The BIGGEST differece between an XML and a PHP array is that in an XML file, the name of elements can be the same even if they are siblings, eg. "<pa><ch /><ch /><ch /></pa>", while in an PHP array, the key of which must be different.
I think the array structure developed by svdmeer can fit for XML, and fits well.
here is an example array converted from an xml file:
"@text"=>"some text",
or if it has childrens, that can be:
"@tag"=>"name","@text"=>"some text"
Also, I wrote a function that can change that array back to XML.
function array2XML($arr,$root) {
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\" ?><{$root}></{$root}>");
$f = create_function('$f,$c,$a','
foreach($a as $v) {
if(isset($v["@text"])) {
$ch = $c->addChild($v["@tag"],$v["@text"]);
} else {
$ch = $c->addChild($v["@tag"]);
if(isset($v["@items"])) {
if(isset($v["@attr"])) {
foreach($v["@attr"] as $attr => $val) {
return $xml->asXML();