The RuntimeException class

(PHP 5 >= 5.1.0, PHP 7, PHP 8)


Exception thrown if an error which can only be found on runtime occurs.


RuntimeException extends Exception {
/* 继承的属性 */
protected string $message ;
protected int $code ;
protected string $file ;
protected int $line ;
/* 继承的方法 */
public Exception::__construct ( string $message = "" , int $code = 0 , Throwable $previous = null )
final public Exception::getMessage ( ) : string
final public Exception::getPrevious ( ) : Throwable
final public Exception::getCode ( ) : mixed
final public Exception::getFile ( ) : string
final public Exception::getLine ( ) : int
final public Exception::getTrace ( ) : array
final public Exception::getTraceAsString ( ) : string
public Exception::__toString ( ) : string
final private Exception::__clone ( ) : void

User Contributed Notes

sricharan dot krishnan at gmail dot com 04-Jul-2016 10:41
A simple example of using RuntimeException Class:-

Lets say we would be dividing two numbers and throw an exception as soon as the denominator is equal to zero.

= 10;
$iNum2 = 0;

if (
$iNum2 == 0){
throw new
RuntimeException("Division by Zero");
$iResult = $iNum1 / $iNum2;
echo (
"Division Result of \$iNum1 and $iNum2 = ".($iResult)."<br/>");
catch (
RuntimeException $e){
echo (
"Division by Zero is not possible");
kelerest123 at gmail dot com 12-Feb-2015 07:29
Whole exception-class hierarchy is shown at
Dawid Krysiak 03-Feb-2011 02:31
Direct known subclasses (following the java docs convention (: ):
OutOfBoundsException, OverflowException, RangeException, UnderflowException, UnexpectedValueException