The SeekableIterator interface

(PHP 5 >= 5.1.0, PHP 7, PHP 8)


The Seekable iterator.


SeekableIterator extends Iterator {
/* 方法 */
abstract public seek ( int $position ) : void
/* 继承的方法 */
abstract public Iterator::current ( ) : mixed
abstract public Iterator::key ( ) : scalar
abstract public Iterator::next ( ) : void
abstract public Iterator::rewind ( ) : void
abstract public Iterator::valid ( ) : bool

Example #1 Basic usage

This example demonstrates creating a custom SeekableIterator, seeking to a position and handling an invalid position.

class MySeekableIterator implements SeekableIterator {


$array = array(
"first element",
"second element",
"third element",
"fourth element"

/* Method required for SeekableIterator interface */

public function seek($position) {
      if (!isset(
$this->array[$position])) {
          throw new 
OutOfBoundsException("invalid seek position ($position)");

$this->position $position;

/* Methods required for Iterator interface */
public function rewind() {
$this->position 0;

    public function 
current() {

    public function 
key() {

    public function 
next() {

    public function 
valid() {
        return isset(

try {

$it = new MySeekableIterator;
$it->current(), "\n";
$it->current(), "\n";
$it->current(), "\n";
} catch (
OutOfBoundsException $e) {


first element
third element
second element
invalid seek position (10)

Table of Contents

User Contributed Notes

info at ensostudio dot ru 20-Oct-2020 07:20
Note: use array_key_exists instead isset!
public function seek($position)
$position = (int) $position;
    if (!
array_key_exists($position, array_values($this->array))) {
        throw new
OutOfBoundsException('Invalid position to seek: ' . $position);
$this->position = $position;
Anonymous 20-Oct-2013 12:43
The code above is missing a closing parenthesis.

if (!isset($this->array[$position]) {
          throw new
OutOfBoundsException("invalid seek position ($position)");

should be

if (!isset($this->array[$position])) { // close here
throw new OutOfBoundsException("invalid seek position ($position)");
svenr at selfhtml dot org 14-Nov-2011 04:21
Best method:


if ($object instanceof SeekableIterator) {
"\$object has method seek()";


Please, make use of checking if a particular interface has been implemented to assure that the object you are dealing with definately has the methods you are about to use.

This also works as typehinting:


class foo {
  public function
doSomeSeeking(SeekableIterator $seekMe) {
$seekMe->seek(10); // will work, otherwise Typehint triggers complaints

martin at smasty dot net 15-May-2011 08:01
The reflection approach:


= new ReflectionClass('MySeekableIterator');
"This class has method seek().";

marcin dot kleczek at gmail dot com 15-Apr-2010 11:59
Better method:

= 'SeekableIterator';
$findingMethod = 'seek'; // have to be lower chars
$methods = get_class_methods($class);
$methods as $pVal )
                if (
$findingMethod == strtolower($pVal) ) {
'This class has method seek().';



Best method: