SQLite3Result 类

(PHP 5 >= 5.3.0, PHP 7, PHP 8)


处理 SQLite 3 扩展返回结果集的类。


SQLite3Result {
/* 方法 */
public columnName ( int $column ) : string|false
public columnType ( int $column ) : int|false
public fetchArray ( int $mode = SQLITE3_BOTH ) : array|false
public finalize ( ) : bool
public numColumns ( ) : int
public reset ( ) : bool

Table of Contents

User Contributed Notes

atesin () 6m4i1 ! com 02-Mar-2021 02:56
in response to jan at bootfinder dot co dot uk (comment #115891) about getting num_rows...

how about (not tested)... ?

<?php // do cleans before and after if needed

for ( $nrows = 0; isarray($result->fetchArray()); ++$nrows );

jan at bootfinder dot co dot uk 10-Oct-2014 03:43
I use the following code to get num_rows:

$nrows = 0;
while (
sameers dot public at gmail dot com 23-May-2014 05:30
According to http://www.php.net/manual/en/sqlite3result.columntype.php, and also per my experience, columnType() doesn't return anything other than SQLITE3_NULL. Consequently, the test suggested in the comment that tries to identify whether a column is NULL is incorrect.

The right thing to do appears to be to test if ($result->fetchArray())[0] == null.
alan71-at-free-fr 28-Dec-2010 06:34
Here's a snippet that might help you to write a fetchObject function that is also missing:


function fetchObject($sqlite3result, $objectType = NULL) {
$array = $sqlite3result->fetchArray();

is_null($objectType)) {
$object = new stdClass();
    } else {
// does not call this class' constructor
$object = unserialize(sprintf('O:%d:"%s":0:{}', strlen($objectType), $objectType));
$reflector = new ReflectionObject($object);
$i = 0; $i < $sqlite3result->numColumns(); $i++) {
$name = $sqlite3result->columnName($i);
$value = $array[$name];
        try {
$attribute = $reflector->getProperty($name);
$attribute->setValue($object, $value);
        } catch (
ReflectionException $e) {
$object->$name = $value;


Heavily inspired of Bergmann's Object Freezer :
claudiu at virtuamagic dot com 08-Mar-2010 02:34
fetchArray() will return bool(false) in case of 0 rows.
jonscully at gmail dot com 30-Nov-2009 01:35
Since SQLite3Result::numRows is unavailable, use:

if ($res->numColumns() && $res->columnType(0) != SQLITE3_NULL) {
// have rows
} else {
// zero rows

Because when there are zero rows:
* SQLite3Result::fetchArray will return '1'
* SQLite3Result::numColumns will return '1'
* Column type for column '0' will be SQLITE3_NULL