The Swoole\Http\Response class

(PECL swoole >= 1.9.0)



Swoole\Http\Response {
/* ·½·¨ */
public cookie ( string $name , string $value = ? , string $expires = ? , string $path = ? , string $domain = ? , string $secure = ? , string $httponly = ? ) : string
public __destruct ( ) : void
public end ( string $content = ? ) : void
public gzip ( string $compress_level = ? ) : ReturnType
public header ( string $key , string $value , string $ucwords = ? ) : void
public initHeader ( ) : ReturnType
public rawcookie ( string $name , string $value = ? , string $expires = ? , string $path = ? , string $domain = ? , string $secure = ? , string $httponly = ? ) : ReturnType
public sendfile ( string $filename , int $offset = ? ) : ReturnType
public status ( string $http_code ) : ReturnType
public write ( string $content ) : void

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