The XMLWriter class

(PHP 5 >= 5.1.2, PHP 7, PHP 8, PECL xmlwriter >= 0.1.0)



XMLWriter {
/* ·½·¨ */
public endAttribute ( ) : bool
public endCdata ( ) : bool
public endComment ( ) : bool
public endDocument ( ) : bool
public endDtd ( ) : bool
public endDtdAttlist ( ) : bool
public endDtdElement ( ) : bool
public endDtdEntity ( ) : bool
public endElement ( ) : bool
public endPi ( ) : bool
public flush ( bool $empty = true ) : string|int
public fullEndElement ( ) : bool
public openMemory ( ) : bool
public openUri ( string $uri ) : bool
public outputMemory ( bool $flush = true ) : string
public setIndent ( bool $enable ) : bool
public setIndentString ( string $indentation ) : bool
public startAttribute ( string $name ) : bool
public startAttributeNs ( string|null $prefix , string $name , string|null $namespace ) : bool
public startCdata ( ) : bool
public startComment ( ) : bool
public startDocument ( string|null $version = "1.0" , string|null $encoding = null , string|null $standalone = null ) : bool
public startDtd ( string $qualifiedName , string|null $publicId = null , string|null $systemId = null ) : bool
public startDtdAttlist ( string $name ) : bool
public startDtdElement ( string $qualifiedName ) : bool
public startDtdEntity ( string $name , bool $isParam ) : bool
public startElement ( string $name ) : bool
public startElementNs ( string|null $prefix , string $name , string|null $namespace ) : bool
public startPi ( string $target ) : bool
public text ( string $content ) : bool
public writeAttribute ( string $name , string $value ) : bool
public writeAttributeNs ( string|null $prefix , string $name , string|null $namespace , string $value ) : bool
public writeCdata ( string $content ) : bool
public writeComment ( string $content ) : bool
public writeDtd ( string $name , string|null $publicId = null , string|null $systemId = null , string|null $content = null ) : bool
public writeDtdAttlist ( string $name , string $content ) : bool
public writeDtdElement ( string $name , string $content ) : bool
public writeDtdEntity ( string $name , string $content , bool $isParam = false , string|null $publicId = null , string|null $systemId = null , string|null $notationData = null ) : bool
public writeElement ( string $name , string|null $content = null ) : bool
public writeElementNs ( string|null $prefix , string $name , string|null $namespace , string|null $content = null ) : bool
public writePi ( string $target , string $content ) : bool
public writeRaw ( string $content ) : bool

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