
(PHP 7 >= 7.1.0)

Closure::fromCallable将 callable 转换为闭包


public static Closure::fromCallable ( callable $callback ) : Closure

使用当前范围从给定的 callback 创建并返回一个新的 匿名函数。 此方法检查 callback 函数在作用域是否可调用, 如果不能,就抛出 TypeError





返回新创建的 Closure, 或者如果 callback 在当前作用域无法调用, 则抛出 TypeError

User Contributed Notes

nakerlund at gmail dot com 23-May-2018 07:20
I have two points:

It is possible to use Closure::fromCallable to convert private/protected methods to closures and use them outside the class.

Closure::fromCallable accepts late dynamic bindings using the keyword static if provided as a string.

My code below demonstrate how a private static method can be used as a callback in a function outside the class.

function myCustomMapper ( Callable $callable, string $str ): string {
join(' ', array_map( $callable, explode(' ', $str) ) );

MyClass {

    public static function
mapUCFirst ( string $str ): string {
$privateMethod = 'static::mapper';
$mapper = Closure::fromCallable( $privateMethod );
myCustomMapper( $mapper, $str );
    private static function
mapper ( string $str ): string {
ucfirst( $str );


MyClass::mapUCFirst('four little uncapitalized words');
// Prints: Four Little Uncapitalized Words
4-lom at live dot de 09-May-2018 01:16
Sadly, your comparison is incorrect.

// The equivalent to
$cl1 = Closure::fromCallable("getName");
$cl1 = $cl1->bindTo($bob, 'A');

// is most likely this
$cl2 = function() {
    return call_user_func_array("getName", func_get_args());
$cl2 = $cl2->bindTo($bob, 'A');

Executing one or the other Closure should result in the same access violation error you already postet.

A simple PHP 7.0 polyfill could look like this:

namespace YourPackage;

 * Class Closure
 * @see \Closure
class Closure
     * @see \Closure::fromCallable()
     * @param callable $callable
     * @return \Closure
    public static function fromCallable(callable $callable)
        // In case we've got it native, let's use that native one!
        if(method_exists(\Closure::class, 'fromCallable')) {
            return \Closure::fromCallable($callable);

        return function () use ($callable) {
            return call_user_func_array($callable, func_get_args());
igorchernin at yahoo dot com 07-May-2017 08:13
It seems that the result of the "fromCallable" behaves a little bit different then an original Lambda function.

class A {
    private $name;
    public function __construct($name)
        $this->name = $name;

// test callable
function getName()
      return $this->name;
$bob = new A("Bob");

$cl1 = Closure::fromCallable("getName");
$cl1 = $cl1->bindTo($bob, 'A');

//This will retrieve: Uncaught Error: Cannot access private property A::$name
$result = $cl1();
echo $result;

//But for a Lambda function
$cl2 = function() {
    return $this->name;
$cl2 = $cl2->bindTo($bob, 'A');
$result = $cl2();

// This will print Bob
echo $result;