This is a very simple function to calculate the difference between two datetime values, returning the result in seconds. To convert to minutes, just divide the result by 60. In hours, by 3600 and so on.
function time_diff($dt1,$dt2){
$y1 = substr($dt1,0,4);
$m1 = substr($dt1,5,2);
$d1 = substr($dt1,8,2);
$h1 = substr($dt1,11,2);
$i1 = substr($dt1,14,2);
$s1 = substr($dt1,17,2);
$y2 = substr($dt2,0,4);
$m2 = substr($dt2,5,2);
$d2 = substr($dt2,8,2);
$h2 = substr($dt2,11,2);
$i2 = substr($dt2,14,2);
$s2 = substr($dt2,17,2);
return ($r1-$r2);