
(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)

gzfileRead entire gz-file into an array


gzfile ( string $filename , int $use_include_path = 0 ) : array|false

This function is identical to readgzfile(), except that it returns the file in an array.



The file name.


You can set this optional parameter to 1, if you want to search for the file in the include_path too.


An array containing the file, one line per cell, empty lines included, and with newlines still attached, 或者在失败时返回 false.


Example #1 gzfile() example

foreach (
$lines as $line) {


User Contributed Notes

jani at php dot net 21-Nov-2008 10:11
This function is not binary safe. (intentionally, or not, that's the question :)
nb_nonospamm_ at wtal dot de 27-Nov-2005 04:12
In PHP4.4.1 I noticed that gzfile only reads up to 8190 bytes per line. I had a 20K SQL query that was cut into 3 parts - and wondered why the SQL server complained.

Reading an uncompressed file with the file() command works as expected.
The Jedi 28-Jun-2005 06:44
A quicker way to load a gziped file in a string :
function gzfile_get_contents($filename, $use_include_path = 0)
//File does not exist
if( !@file_exists($filename) )
    {    return
false;    }
//Read and imploding the array to produce a one line string
$data = gzfile($filename, $use_include_path);
$data = implode($data);
webmaster at ragnarokonline dot de 13-Jan-2004 11:58
This works similar to gzfile() but it returns the file in a string instead of an array and doesn't write it to stdout compared to readgzfile.

Note: unlike the usual file-functions filesize won't work here, since the length-parameter of gzread refers to the uncompressed length, while filesize returns the size of the compressed file.

function gzfile_get_contents($filename, $use_include_path = 0) {
$file = @gzopen($filename, 'rb', $use_include_path);
    if (
$file) {
$data = '';
        while (!
gzeof($file)) {
$data .= gzread($file, 1024);