
(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)

imap_fetchstructureRead the structure of a particular message


imap_fetchstructure ( resource $imap , int $message_num , int $flags = 0 ) : stdClass|false

Fetches all the structured information for a given message.



imap_open() 返回的 IMAP 流。


The message number


This optional parameter only has a single option, FT_UID, which tells the function to treat the message_num argument as a UID.


Returns an object with properties listed in the table below, 或者在失败时返回 false.

Returned Object for imap_fetchstructure()
type Primary body type
encoding Body transfer encoding
ifsubtype true if there is a subtype string
subtype MIME subtype
ifdescription true if there is a description string
description Content description string
ifid true if there is an identification string
id Identification string
lines Number of lines
bytes Number of bytes
ifdisposition true if there is a disposition string
disposition Disposition string
ifdparameters true if the dparameters array exists
dparameters An array of objects where each object has an "attribute" and a "value" property corresponding to the parameters on the Content-disposition MIME header.
ifparameters true if the parameters array exists
parameters An array of objects where each object has an "attribute" and a "value" property.
parts An array of objects identical in structure to the top-level object, each of which corresponds to a MIME body part.

Primary body type (value may vary with used library, use of constants is recommended)

Transfer encodings (value may vary with used library, use of constants is recommended)


User Contributed Notes

hello at ivanbogomolov dot ru 08-Apr-2019 11:33
If you logic based on compare structure strings, you must compare it case insensetive.

= imap_fetchstructure($this->_imap_resource, $mid);
//do not compare $p->disposition == 'INLINE'
if(preg_match('/inline/i', $p->disposition))
//this works
alchrystal88 at web dot de 24-Jan-2019 11:44
If you have errors with wrong attachment names like this:

correct name:
String -> Prüfbericht Hersteller.pdf

fetchstructure object name:

Workaround to reconvert:


Anonymous 20-Jun-2013 10:52
I improved the code from this post ( a bit, now it handles multi embedded email correctly, and gives you a content with not marking character, like the '=' (soft line break).

//return is structured as
// $mail = array ( 'body' => ...
//          'attachment' => array() );
function _get_body_attach($mbox, $mid) {
$struct = imap_fetchstructure($mbox, $mid);

$parts = $struct->parts;
$i = 0;
    if (!
$parts) { /* Simple message, only 1 piece */
$attachment = array(); /* No attachments */
$content = imap_body($mbox, $mid);
    } else {
/* Complicated message, multiple parts */

$endwhile = false;

$stack = array(); /* Stack while parsing message */
$content = "";    /* Content of message */
$attachment = array(); /* Attachments */

while (!$endwhile) {
            if (!
$parts[$i]) {
                if (
count($stack) > 0) {
$parts = $stack[count($stack)-1]["p"];
$i     = $stack[count($stack)-1]["i"] + 1;
                } else {
$endwhile = true;

            if (!
$endwhile) {
/* Create message part first (example '1.2.3') */
$partstring = "";
                foreach (
$stack as $s) {
$partstring .= ($s["i"]+1) . ".";
$partstring .= ($i+1);

                if (
strtoupper($parts[$i]->disposition) == "ATTACHMENT" || strtoupper($parts[$i]->disposition) == "INLINE") { /* Attachment or inline images */
$filedata = imap_fetchbody($mbox, $mid, $partstring);
                    if (
$filedata != '' ) {
// handles base64 encoding or plain text
$decoded_data = base64_decode($filedata);
                        if (
$decoded_data == false ) {
$attachment[] = array("filename" => $parts[$i]->parameters[0]->value,
"filedata" => $filedata);
                        } else {
$attachment[] = array("filename" => $parts[$i]->parameters[0]->value,
"filedata" => $decoded_data);
                } elseif (
strtoupper($parts[$i]->subtype) == "PLAIN" && strtoupper($parts[$i+1]->subtype) != "HTML") { /* plain text message */
$content .= imap_fetchbody($mbox, $mid, $partstring);
                } elseif (
strtoupper($parts[$i]->subtype) == "HTML" ) {
/* HTML message takes priority */
$content .= imap_fetchbody($mbox, $mid, $partstring);

            if (
$parts[$i]->parts) {
                if (
$parts[$i]->subtype != 'RELATED' ) {
// a glitch: embedded email message have one additional stack in the structure with subtype 'RELATED', but this stack is not present when using imap_fetchbody() to fetch parts.
$stack[] = array("p" => $parts, "i" => $i);
$parts = $parts[$i]->parts;
$i = 0;
            } else {
/* while */
} /* complicated message */

$ret = array();
$ret['body'] = quoted_printable_decode($content);
$ret['attachment'] = $attachment;
raulggonzalez at gmail dot com 21-Sep-2010 05:54
Hello eveybody,

After reading plenty of posts (some good, some others not so good) I want to post a function to find out whether an email is coming with attachments

The function can be called passing the object returned by imap_fetchstructure() or any of its parts (recursively)

= imap_open($hostname,$username,$password) or die('Cannot connect to mail: ' . imap_last_error());
$struct = imap_fetchstructure($inbox,$uid,FT_UID);
$existAttachments = existAttachment($struct);

    if (isset(
        foreach (
$part->parts as $partOfPart){
        if (isset(
            if (
$part->disposition == 'attachment'){
'<p>' . $part->dparameters[0]->value . '</p>';
// here you can create a link to the file whose name is  $part->dparameters[0]->value to download it
return true;

Hopefully somebody can use it as well
burninleo at gmx dot net 03-Aug-2010 09:42
Use imap_errors() to get rid of sticky error messages about incorrect MIME headers.
Rui Torre rui_sharkye at hotmail dot com 02-Nov-2008 02:34
I've made this two functions to decode mime headers and so far they are working just fine decoding all headers. Please let me know if you find any error. Hope they are useful for you too.


function decode_headers($cabecalho){
        while (
preg_match('/^(.*)=\?([^?]*)\?(Q|B)\?(.*)$/Ui', $cabecalho)){
$cabecalho = preg_replace("/(\t|\r|\n)/", "", $cabecalho);
$cabecalho = preg_replace("/\?(Q|B)\?=/Ui", "?\\1? =", $cabecalho);
$partes_cabecalho = explode("?=", $cabecalho);
$resultado = "";
            foreach (
$partes_cabecalho as $texto){
$texto = preg_replace("/\?(Q|B)\?\s=/Ui", "?\\1?=", $texto);
$texto = preg_replace("/\?(Q|B)\?/Ui", "=?\\1=?", $texto);
                if (
preg_match('/^(.*)=\?([^?]*)=\?(Q|B)=\?(.*)$/Ui', $texto)){
$partes_texto = explode ("=?", $texto); 
$parte = descodificar_parte($partes_texto[0], $partes_texto[1]);
$parte .= descodificar_parte($partes_texto[3], $partes_texto[2]);
                } else {
$parte = $texto
                if (
strtoupper($partes_texto[1]) == "UTF-8"){ $parte = utf8_decode($parte);} 
$resultado .= $parte
$cabecalho = $resultado;
descodificar_parte($texto, $codificacao){
        if (
trim($texto) == ""){ return "";}
        if (
ucfirst($codificacao) == "B"){
$texto = base64_decode($texto);
$texto = htmlspecialchars($texto);
        } else if (
ucfirst($codificacao) == "Q"){
$texto = str_replace("_", " ", $texto);
$texto = quoted_printable_decode($texto); 

david at hundsness dot com 02-Sep-2008 02:31
Here is code to parse and decode all types of messages, including attachments. I've been using something like this for awhile now, so it's pretty robust.

function getmsg($mbox,$mid) {
    // input $mbox = IMAP stream, $mid = message id
    // output all the following:
    global $charset,$htmlmsg,$plainmsg,$attachments;
    $htmlmsg = $plainmsg = $charset = '';
    $attachments = array();

    // HEADER
    $h = imap_header($mbox,$mid);
    // add code here to get date, from, to, cc, subject...

    // BODY
    $s = imap_fetchstructure($mbox,$mid);
    if (!$s->parts)  // simple
        getpart($mbox,$mid,$s,0);  // pass 0 as part-number
    else {  // multipart: cycle through each part
        foreach ($s->parts as $partno0=>$p)

function getpart($mbox,$mid,$p,$partno) {
    // $partno = '1', '2', '2.1', '2.1.3', etc for multipart, 0 if simple
    global $htmlmsg,$plainmsg,$charset,$attachments;

    $data = ($partno)?
        imap_fetchbody($mbox,$mid,$partno):  // multipart
        imap_body($mbox,$mid);  // simple
    // Any part may be encoded, even plain text messages, so check everything.
    if ($p->encoding==4)
        $data = quoted_printable_decode($data);
    elseif ($p->encoding==3)
        $data = base64_decode($data);

    // get all parameters, like charset, filenames of attachments, etc.
    $params = array();
    if ($p->parameters)
        foreach ($p->parameters as $x)
            $params[strtolower($x->attribute)] = $x->value;
    if ($p->dparameters)
        foreach ($p->dparameters as $x)
            $params[strtolower($x->attribute)] = $x->value;

    // Any part with a filename is an attachment,
    // so an attached text file (type 0) is not mistaken as the message.
    if ($params['filename'] || $params['name']) {
        // filename may be given as 'Filename' or 'Name' or both
        $filename = ($params['filename'])? $params['filename'] : $params['name'];
        // filename may be encoded, so see imap_mime_header_decode()
        $attachments[$filename] = $data;  // this is a problem if two files have same name

    // TEXT
    if ($p->type==0 && $data) {
        // Messages may be split in different parts because of inline attachments,
        // so append parts together with blank row.
        if (strtolower($p->subtype)=='plain')
            $plainmsg. = trim($data) ."\n\n";
            $htmlmsg. = $data ."<br><br>";
        $charset = $params['charset'];  // assume all parts are same charset

    // Many bounce notifications embed the original message as type 2,
    // but AOL uses type 1 (multipart), which is not handled here.
    // There are no PHP functions to parse embedded messages,
    // so this just appends the raw source to the main message.
    elseif ($p->type==2 && $data) {
        $plainmsg. = $data."\n\n";

    if ($p->parts) {
        foreach ($p->parts as $partno0=>$p2)
            getpart($mbox,$mid,$p2,$partno.'.'.($partno0+1));  // 1.2, 1.2.1, etc.
phpnet,a,emailaddress,cjb,net 26-Sep-2007 07:13
Another comment to inform people about something that should really be in the function description:

imap_fetchstructure() downloads the entire email, attachments and all, rather than just the structure.
I guess it's an undocumented feature, not a bug.

I had assumed that the script would have only downloaded the amount of data that was returned, but my script downloaded a cumulative 2.5gig before i noticed.  Hopefully no-one else will have this happen.
oersoep at gmail dot com 29-Jan-2006 11:58
Please keep in mind that the "parameters" array is a stdClass object when there are no parameters, and NOT a zero-size array.
In PHP5 you'll get this error when iterating structure->parts[x]->parameters if there aren't any parameters for this part:

PHP Fatal error:  Cannot use object of type stdClass as array in file.php on line 100
sirber at detritus dot qc dot ca 04-Jan-2006 11:48
"Primary body type" of "unknown/unknown" will be int(9).
hans at lintoo dot dk 22-Sep-2005 07:07
To fetch a single part (for example to investigate a charset or something like that)

class StructureEngine {
    public function
__construct($structureInfo) {
$this->structureObject = $structureInfo;

// snip....

public function getPart($partNum) {
$path = split("[.]",$partNum);
$currentPart = $this->structureObject;
        foreach (
$path as $key => $num) {
$currentPart = $currentPart->parts[$num-1];
hans at lintoo dot dk 22-Sep-2005 06:14
A class for searching through a stucture object.
You can search matching 1-3 parameters or use the methods included.
Feel free to use it, correct it or extend it if you please. Enjoy!

The code was too wide for this manual, so I hope the link above will do. Here a quick overview instead:

class StructureEngine {
    public function
__construct($structureInfo) {}
    public function
locatePlain() {}
    public function
locateHTML() {}
    public function
locateAttachments() {}
    private function
checkParam($part, $type, $value) {}
    private function
findParts($partsArray, $prefix, $param1Type = 'type', $param1Value = 0, $param2Type = null, ...) {}
john at vetsurgeon dot org dot uk 04-Jul-2005 09:07
A little script I threw together to break a message down and process it into a usable array

//script will fetch an email identified by $msgid, and parse the its parts into an
//array $partsarray
//structure of array:
//$partsarray[<name of part>][<attachment/text>]
//if attachment- subarray is [filename][binary data]
//if text- subarray is [type of text(HTML/PLAIN)][text string]

//$partsarray[3.1][attachment][filename]=filename of attachment in part 3.1
//$partsarray[3.1][attachment][binary]=binary data of attachment in part 3.1
//$partsarray[2][text][type]=type of text in part 2
//$partsarray[2][text][string]=decoded text string in part 2
//$partsarray[not multipart][text][string]=decoded text string in message that isn't multipart

function parsepart($p,$i){
    global $link,$msgid,$partsarray;
    //where to write file attachments to:
    $filestore = '[full/path/to/attachment/store/(chmod777)]';

    //fetch part
    //if type is not text
    if ($p->type!=0){
        //DECODE PART       
        //decode if base64
        if ($p->encoding==3)$part=base64_decode($part);
        //decode if quoted printable
        if ($p->encoding==4)$part=quoted_printable_decode($part);
        //no need to decode binary or 8bit!
        //get filename of attachment if present
        // if there are any dparameters present in this part
        if (count($p->dparameters)>0){
            foreach ($p->dparameters as $dparam){
                if ((strtoupper($dparam->attribute)=='NAME') ||(strtoupper($dparam->attribute)=='FILENAME')) $filename=$dparam->value;
        //if no filename found
        if ($filename==''){
            // if there are any parameters present in this part
            if (count($p->parameters)>0){
                foreach ($p->parameters as $param){
                    if ((strtoupper($param->attribute)=='NAME') ||(strtoupper($param->attribute)=='FILENAME')) $filename=$param->value;
        //write to disk and set partsarray variable
        if ($filename!=''){
            $partsarray[$i][attachment] = array('filename'=>$filename,'binary'=>$part);
    //end if type!=0       
    //if part is text
    else if($p->type==0){
        //decode text
        if ($p->encoding==4) $part=quoted_printable_decode($part);
        //if base 64
        if ($p->encoding==3) $part=base64_decode($part);
        //OPTIONAL PROCESSING e.g. nl2br for plain text
        //if plain text

        if (strtoupper($p->subtype)=='PLAIN')1;
        //if HTML
        else if (strtoupper($p->subtype)=='HTML')1;
        $partsarray[$i][text] = array('type'=>$p->subtype,'string'=>$part);
    //if subparts... recurse into function and parse them too!
    if (count($p->parts)>0){
        foreach ($p->parts as $pno=>$parr){

//open resource
$link=imap_open("{localhost:110/pop3}INBOX",'[YOUR USERNAME]','[YOUR PASSWORD]');

//fetch structure of message

//see if there are any parts
if (count($s->parts)>0){
foreach ($s->parts as $partno=>$partarr){
    //parse parts of email

//for not multipart messages
    //get body of message
    //decode if quoted-printable
    if ($s->encoding==4) $text=quoted_printable_decode($text);
    if (strtoupper($s->subtype)=='PLAIN') $text=$text;
    if (strtoupper($s->subtype)=='HTML') $text=$text;
    $partsarray['not multipart'][text]=array('type'=>$s->subtype,'string'=>$text);

masterbassist 18-Apr-2005 09:52
I think the following line (when building attachment information)

>>> "filename" => $parts[$i]->parameters[0]->value

needs to be

>>> "filename" => $parts[$i]->dparameters[0]->value

The first version generated a PHP warning under PHP 5.0.3.  The second version actually gets the filename.
spam at emielmols dot info 01-Apr-2005 03:47
I've created a function which simply extracts basic message content as a string ($content) and attachments as an array ($attachments). I've tested it with messages from Outlook, Outlook Express and Hotmail. Perhaps it's useful to anyone.

= imap_fetchstructure($mbox, $mid);
$parts = $struct->parts;
$i = 0;

        if (!
$parts) { /* Simple message, only 1 piece */
$attachment = array(); /* No attachments */
$content = imap_body($mbox, $mid);
        } else {
/* Complicated message, multiple parts */
$endwhile = false;
$stack = array(); /* Stack while parsing message */
$content = "";    /* Content of message */
$attachment = array(); /* Attachments */
while (!$endwhile) {
            if (!
$parts[$i]) {
              if (
count($stack) > 0) {
$parts = $stack[count($stack)-1]["p"];
$i     = $stack[count($stack)-1]["i"] + 1;
              } else {
$endwhile = true;
            if (!
$endwhile) {
/* Create message part first (example '1.2.3') */
$partstring = "";
              foreach (
$stack as $s) {
$partstring .= ($s["i"]+1) . ".";
$partstring .= ($i+1);
              if (
strtoupper($parts[$i]->disposition) == "ATTACHMENT") { /* Attachment */
$attachment[] = array("filename" => $parts[$i]->parameters[0]->value,
"filedata" => imap_fetchbody($mbox, $mid, $partstring));
              } elseif (
strtoupper($parts[$i]->subtype) == "PLAIN") { /* Message */
$content .= imap_fetchbody($mbox, $mid, $partstring);

            if (
$parts[$i]->parts) {
$stack[] = array("p" => $parts, "i" => $i);
$parts = $parts[$i]->parts;
$i = 0;
            } else {
/* while */
} /* complicated message */

echo "Analyzed message $mid, result: <br />";
"Content: $content<br /><br />";
"Attachments:"; print_r ($attachment);
y dot daradkeh at gmail dot com 20-Dec-2004 07:40
Hey people, get the message attachments with this code:


= imap_open("$imap_server".$f,$name,$pass);

// delibertely choose a message with an attachment

$info = imap_fetchstructure($mbox, $mno);

// find out how may parts the object has
$numparts = count($info->parts);

// find if multipart message
if ($numparts >1)
"<b>More than one part</b><br><br>";

   foreach (
$info->parts as $part)
      if (
$part->disposition == "INLINE")
printf("Inline message has %s lines<BR>", $part->lines);
     elseif (
$part->disposition == "attachment")
$i." Attachment/s found!<br>";
"Filename: ".$part->dparameters[0]->value."<br><br>";
"Only one part";

aperez at informatica dot 24ruedas dot com 16-Jun-2004 12:10
About above comment and source code I wrote: certainly, plain/html text files are attachments, but I've written my code thinking about web IMAP clients, where text parts are not for downloading, simply they are shown. That's the reason.

Thanks anyway. :)
passeniermaxime at hotmail dot com 15-Jun-2004 08:15
I have written a code that check's for attachments.
There is a slight problem with the above code;
when you send a mail with a .txt document as attachment
the type will be 0 and so there won't be a attachment found.

I check for the disposition of the body part witch can be inline or attachment.
If this is an attachment he will display it.
You an also mix up both codes by checking on the type and the disposition.

///   $mbox = connection
///   $a_mails_sort[$i] = message id

$structuur = imap_fetchstructure($mbox,$a_mails_sort[$i]);
for($i_delen = 0; $i_delen<=count($bericht_delen);$i_delen++)
  if($bericht_delen[$i_delen]->disposition == "attachment")
    $attachment = "OK";
    }// end if
  }//end for
aperez at informatica dot 24ruedas dot com 25-May-2004 12:12
This is my function to check attachments:


"You have attachment(s)");
"You don't have attachment(s)");
$estMsg->type!=0) && ($estMsg->type!=1))
// Text and multipart parts will not be shown as attachments
// If there's no attachments, parts inside will be checked
// Parts will be checked while no attachments found or not all of them checked
while(!(checkAttachments($partMsg[$i])) && ($i<sizeof($estMsg->parts)))

// If any 'checkAttachment' calls returned 'true', 'i' should be
        // equal to number of parts(after increased in while). So, no
        // attachments found
// If no parts and text or multipart type, no attachments

I hope this helps somebody else(if bugs, thanks for your fixes).
richy at smilingsouls dot net 28-Jan-2004 03:08
After many long hours of pouring over the object returned by imap_fetchstructure() I came up with the solution posted at the following url:

The url above provides an example of how to access variables in the object returned by imap_fetchstructure().  This class creates an object with member variables containing the correct part numbers which are compatible with the imap_fetchbody() function.

The structure returned looks something like this:

                       0 Raw Headers
$this->pid[$mid][0]  =  1 text/plain                        top level message
$this->pid[$mid][1]  =  2 message/rfc822                    entire unparsed message
                                                             multipart/mixed - part is skipped!
                           2.0 Raw Headers
$this->pid[$mid][2]  =      2.1 multipart/alternative       contains unparsed contents of next subpart (text/plain && text/html)
                                2.1.0 Raw Headers
$this->pid[$mid][3]  =          2.1.1 text/plain            2nd level inline embedded message
$this->pid[$mid][4]  =          2.1.2 text/html

$this->pid[$mid][5]  =      2.2 message/rfc822              entire unparsed message
                                                             multipart/mixed - part is skipped!
                                2.2.0 Raw Headers
$this->pid[$mid][6]  =          2.2.1 multipart/alternative
$this->pid[$mid][7]  =     text/plain      3rd level inline embedded message
$this->pid[$mid][8]  =     text/html
$this->pid[$mid][9]  =            2.2.2 image/jpeg
$this->pid[$mid][10] =             2.2.3 image/jpeg
$this->pid[$mid][11] =            2.2.4 image/jpeg
$this->pid[$mid][12] =            2.2.5 image/gif

Its important to note why multipart/related, multipart/mixed and certain multipart/alternative (if parent part is message/rfc822 && not multipart/mixed) parts are skipped, imap_fetchbody **does not** retreive a message part for these parts.  Which isn't a bug, as I have read in other places, these parts exist for the purpose of designing the viewer portion of a mail application.  Also, headers aren't assigned part numbers here because they are easy to pick out.

: )
chrislhill at "O_o" hotmail dot com 23-Oct-2003 11:36
For people just beging this may help alot as I spent a couple hours just trying to relize how exact the array was stored. (at the time I did not know the print_r function :P)

$struct = imap_fetchstructure($mbox, $msgnumber);

Will give you a better example for your messages but they are called as $struct using the varible method above.

$struct->type; //would return the type
$struct->encoding //would return the encoding

and etc..

This can be done many different ways but that is the basics on pulling the info out of the structure of fetchstructure itself, I hope it helps someone starting because it wouldve helped me :/.
es96 at hotmail dot com 13-Aug-2003 02:38
If you are getting CHARSET as US-ASCII even if the header has a Content-Type: field, make sure the header also has a MIME-Version: field.

For example, the following header will correcty report charset as KOI8-R

MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="koi8-r"

Without the MIME-Version it will be reported as US-ASII
as1 at powersite dot com dot ar 30-Dec-2002 01:57
Sorry, my before code is not complet:

$struct = imap_fetchstructure( $conn, $curMsg );

$i = 1;
while( imap_fetchbody( $conn, $curMsg, $i ) ){
  $struct->parts[$i-1] = imap_bodystruct( $conn, $curMsg, $i );
  $j = 1;
  while( imap_fetchbody( $conn, $curMsg, "$i.$j" ) ){
    $struct->parts[$i-1]->parts[$j-1] = imap_bodystruct( $conn, $curMsg, "$i.$j" );
as1 at powersite dot com dot ar 30-Dec-2002 01:01
If your imap_fetchstructure not retrive all parts, write it:

$struct = imap_fetchstructure( $conn, $curMsg );

$i = 1;
while( imap_fetchbody( $conn, $curMsg, $i ) ){
   $struct->parts[$i-1] = imap_bodystruct( $conn, $curMsg, $i );
paradise at ml75 dot com 04-Dec-2002 07:40
I'm using freeBSD and had lots of problems with all functions/mail applications i could find on the net...

So i'm writing my own now..

Most of the stuff works fine now.. but i'm still working on the chooser to select the best part to show. (plain or HTML).

The #1 problem is that most functions give the wrong ID numbers beck to fetch the body.

Here's a sollution to that problem.. :P

// Debug function.. always handy until it's 100% completed..
   $attachments = array(); $dispos=0;
   function doDebug($msg){
      global $debug, $debug_depth, $dispos;
         for($y = 0; $y < $debug_depth; $y++) echo("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;");
         if($dispos == 0) echo($msg."<br/>"); else echo("<i>".$msg."</i><br/>");

   function Check_Part($part,$id){
      global $attachments, $debug, $debug_depth, $dispos; $ans=sizeof($attachments);
      doDebug("+Checking part $id");
      doDebug("Parttype=".$part->type ."/". mimetype($part->type) ."/". $part->subtype);

      if($part->ifdisposition){ $dispos++; doDebug("<b>Disposition</b>"); }
      if($part->ifdescription){ doDebug("<b>Description=".$part->description."</b>"); }

           case 1: if((strtolower($part->subtype) == "mixed")
                        or (strtolower($part->subtype)  == "alternative")
                        or (strtolower($part->subtype) == "related")) break;

           default: $an = sizeof($attachments);
                       $dpara = $part->dparameters;
                       for ($v=0;$v<sizeof($dpara);$v++){
                          if (eregi("filename", $dpara[$v]->attribute))
                             $fname = $dpara[$v]->value;}
                          $para = $part->parameters;
                          for ($v=0;$v<sizeof($para);$v++){
                             if (eregi("name", $para[$v]->attribute)) $fname = $para[$v]->value;
                    if(empty($fname))$fname = "Onbekend";

                  $attachments[$an]->id = ($an+1);
                  $attachments[$an]->part = $id;
                    $attachments[$an]->filename = $fname;
                  doDebug("Filename=".$attachments[$an]->filename); break;

      for($x = 0; $x < count($part->parts); $x++){
         Check_Part($part->parts[$x], $id.".".($x+1));
      doDebug("Dit deel had iets nuttigs.");
      if($part->ifdisposition) $dispos--;
      doDebug("-End of part $id");

   function decode_mail($mbox, $msg){
      global $attachments, $debug, $debug_depth;
      doDebug("+Decoding message $msg"); $debug_depth++;
      $obj = imap_fetchstructure($mbox, $msg, FT_UID); $moet_werken=true; $id=1;
         Check_Part($obj, $id);

      $debug_depth--; doDebug("-End of message $msg");

Now to get this to work..
Decode_Mail([Mailbox connection], [Message Number]);

this is the outpu attachment array..
3--1.2--Beschrijving Nieuw E.doc--3--MSWORD--1--613718

PS.. "Onbekend" is dutch for "Unknown".

Good luck.
Paradise (
jcastro at elnuevodia dot com 20-Sep-2002 01:16
I think the above note about attachments is wrong. I tested sending files with and without attachments and I get the following<br>
with attachment: type=3 bytes=343648
no attachment: type=0 bytes=2
so checking for $struct->bytes == " " means nothing. At least in my test
running windows 2000, php4.2.1 using outlook and exchange. It seems that cheking the type will be more reliable
19-Sep-2002 03:20
This function sets MIME charset
parameter value to US-ASCII when
either Content-Type header is missing
or Content-Type header doesn't have
charset parameter. This may be compliant
to RFC 822, but this poses
a problem for  a calling function that
has to deal with untagged messages
in MIME charset other than US-ASCII.
To work around this,  US-ASCII
has to be treated as the absence of MIME charset.
kmakaveev(at)yahoo(dot)com 25-Jun-2002 07:29
There's a little mistake in the code above!
The second echo must return "The message has no attachment!".
And that code must have some some additional  thing to work properly! Maybe I must use ->parts to determine how many parts has a particular message!
php AT 18-Feb-2002 01:15
Point of clarification:

The seventh primary body type is not "Other" as documented, but actually "Model".  This encompasses IGES, VRML, MESH, DWF, etc.

"Other" is the eigth primary body type.
mkknapp at quadrapod dot com 25-Apr-2001 06:48
Assuming $struct = imap_fetchstructure($x,$y);

It is important to note that if a message has NO attachements, $struct->parts is an empty array, and $struct->bytes has a value.  If a message as ANY attachements, $struct->bytes ALWAYS = 0. To get the size of the primary body, you have to call structure->part[0]->bytes.  To get the size of the whole message, either strlen(imap_body) or add up the ->bytes of all the parts.

Another interesting note:
When there is body text and no attachements:
count($struct->parts) = 0
When there is body text and 1 attachement:
count($struct->parts) = 2

These imap functions could really use better documentation. Like giving the meathods for the dparameter and parameter classes...
jbrandt at europa dot com 16-Apr-2001 03:45
Parsing the recursive object returned from imap_fetchstructure is easy. However trying to figure out the name of the section to pass to imap_fetchbody() isn't quite so straight forward because the naming conventions for the MIME sections are odd. If you copy and paste the following function you can pass an UID of an IMAP message and it will print out a hierarchy of the message and label each section.

The only required parameters are $mbox and $em_uid. The other parameters are used when the function needs to call itself.

Two functions mime_encoding() and mime_type() are not included. All they do is return string for the integer represention of a mime type/encoding.

function imap_dbody($mbox, $em_uid, $mimeobj, $depth = 0, $section = 0)
// If this is the first run of the function then grab a object of the MIME structure of the message

if($section == 0) $mimeobj = imap_fetchstructure($mbox, $em_uid, FT_UID);

$y = 0; $y < $depth; $y++) echo("       ");

mime_type($mimeobj->type) . "/{$mimeobj->subtype}, ");
mime_encoding($mimeobj->encoding) . " (<B>$section</B>)<BR>");

$x = 0; $x < count($mimeobj->parts); $x++)
// If we are in the root of the object increment by whole integers

if($section == 0) $nsection = $x + 1;

// If we are in the object and the first sub-object of our object isn't multipart
                // then increment the postfix by ".1" otherwise we are multipart or a message
                // and leave the section id alone to be handled by the next code block

else if(($pos = strrpos($section, ".")) && $mimeobj->parts[0]->type != TYPEMULTIPART)
$nsection = substr($section, 0, $pos) . "." . ($x + 1);
$nsection = $section;

// If there are more parts to the part about to be processed reference it as a header with ".0"
                // but only if the child of this child isn't MULTIPART

// Funny really, if a mime section is a inline message that has a multipart body you reference the message
                        // mime section with "2" the inline message header with "2.0" and the subsections with "2.x"
                        // However if the mime section is a inline message with only 1 part then you reference the
                        // mime section in the message with 2.0 and the inline message body with 2.1

if(!($mimeobj->parts[$x]->type == TYPEMESSAGE && $mimeobj->parts[$x]->parts[0]->type == TYPEMULTIPART))
$nsection .= ".0";
$nsection .= "";

imap_dbody($mbox, $em_uid, $mimeobj->parts[$x], $depth + 1, $nsection);


// If after processing the entire MIME object the $x variable is still zero then we didn't
        // process a multipart mime message, it's just normal email so say so here.

if($x == 0 && $section == 0)
mime_type($mimeobj->type) . "/{$mimeobj->subtype}, ");
mime_encoding($mimeobj->encoding) . " (<B>1</B>) (<B>NOT MIME MULTIPART</B>)<BR>");
vksgeneric at hotmail dot com 02-Feb-2000 05:22
It looks like some clients (e.g. outlook) can attach a file that has two mime-types associated with it, like:

Content-Type: model/vrml,x-world/x-vrml

This bombs the parsing procedure somewhere in c-client, I guess, and as a result ifparameters is set to false for the respective part, and you can not retrieve filename, mimetype, or any other parameters.
hholzgra at media-engineering dot de 15-Dec-1999 01:59
the parts objects are identical in
structure to those returned by imap_fetchstructure, describing one subfolder each

parameters and dparameters are MIME-specific, theese contain the
extra parameters provided in the Content-Type and Content-Disposion Header lines such as Charset or Filename