Get all UIDs of a single thread (not the whole all messages threads).
If you want to list just a conversation thread.
First, we must find the root element, using an UID included in these conversation in whatever message.
Then recursivelly we list all UIDs messages in an array.
function FindThread($mailbox, $uid) {
$mails = array();
$thread = imap_thread($mailbox, SE_UID);
$i = array_search($uid, $thread);
while(($tree = explode('.', $i)) && ($j = array_search($tree[0], $thread)) &&
($treej = explode('.', $j)) && $treej[0] && ($k = array_search($treej[0], $thread)) && ($treek = explode('.', $k)) &&
($thread[$treej[0] . '.next'] != 0 || $thread[$treek[0] . '.next'] != 0))
$i = $j;
$mails = FindThreadAll($thread, $tree[0]);
return $mails;
function FindThreadAll(&$thread, $i, $n = 0) {
$mails = array();
while($i) {
if(!($j = $thread[$i . '.next']) && !$n)
$mails[] = $thread[$i . '.num'];
$mails = array_merge($mails, FindThreadAll($thread, $j, $n + 1));
$i = $thread[$i . '.branch'];
return $mails;
if(($mails = FindThread(64851))) print_r(imap_fetch_overview($mailbox, implode(',', $mails), SE_UID));
Eduardo Ruiz (Spain)