Seems like unit prefixes should have a standard PHP function. Maybe in the future.
I found this page while looking for a quick unit prefix function. The one by olafurw was voted down, I think because it had unchecked array indexes and /0s. So here it is fixed and readable.
-Should work down to PHP 4.
-Not meant for fractions or negatives, so anything less than 1 returns 0.
-Not very effective on really really large numbers, but it's easy to add more prefixes.
-Doesn't handle non numeric arguments. PHP 7+ can do this: function binaryprefix( int $units, $unit = '' )
// returns reduced $units with a binary prefix
// ex. ( 110974120, 'B' ) == 105.8MiB
// ex. ( 2^100, 'B' ) == 1048576.0YiB
// ex. ( 0.12314, 'B' ) == 0B
function binaryprefix( $units, $unit = '' )
$prefix = array('', 'Ki', 'Mi', 'Gi', 'Ti', 'Pi', 'Ei', 'Zi', 'Yi');
$exponent = min( floor( log( max( 1, $units ), 1024 ) ), count( $prefix ) - 1 );
if ( $units < 1024 )
return sprintf( '%d%s%s', max( 1, $units + 1 ) - 1, $prefix[$exponent], $unit );
return sprintf( '%.1f%s%s', $units / pow(1024, $exponent), $prefix[$exponent], $unit );
Also more colloquially:
$prefix = array('', 'k', 'm', 'g', 't', 'p', 'e', 'z', 'y');