
(PHP 5 >= 5.3.0, PHP 7, PHP 8)

quoted_printable_encode将 8-bit 字符串转换成 quoted-printable 字符串


quoted_printable_encode ( string $str ) : string

返回 quoted-printable 格式的字符,该格式由 » RFC2045 6.7.章节里制定。

该函数与 imap_8bit() 函数十分相似,不同的是该函数不需要 IMAP 模块就能运行。







User Contributed Notes

marcus at synchromedia dot co dot uk 13-Feb-2017 07:48
Note that this function returns the quoted-printable string with Windows / RFC822 CRLF line breaks. If you're passing the output of this function into mail(), you may need to convert its line breaks to Unix LF style first.
jurgen at edesign dot nl 02-Oct-2014 09:16
Both PHP's native implementation and the function of ericth at NOSPAM dot pennyworth dot com (below) contain an feature/error (usage for SMTP mismatch) which has been solved in my adjustment below.

The error causes a text containing period character(s), when passed through these functions, end up with encoded lines starting with a period character, the first period character on that line will be discarded when it is transported over SMTP.

Solution: add (another) leading '.' to period characters which would end up as first character on a line when encoded.

See http://stackoverflow.com/a/13949483: "This is a dirty artifact of your transport layer... SMTP is the most probable culprit (see the call for caution in the mail function documentation) but there may be other low level mecanisms that behave similarly. For example if you tweaked the sendmail_path setting or use a buggy sendmail program you may experience similar woes."


$lp = 0;
$ret = '';
$hex = "0123456789ABCDEF";
$length = strlen($str);
$str_index = 0;
    while (
$length--) {
        if (((
$c = $str[$str_index++]) == "\015") && ($str[$str_index] == "\012") && $length > 0) {
$ret .= "\015";
$ret .= $str[$str_index++];
$lp = 0;
        } else {
            if (
                || (
ord($c) == 0x7f)
                || (
ord($c) & 0x80)
                || (
$c == '=')
                || ((
$c == ' ') && ($str[$str_index] == "\015")))
                if ((
$lp += 3) > PHP_QPRINT_MAXL)
$ret .= '=';
$ret .= "\015";
$ret .= "\012";
$lp = 3;
$ret .= '=';
$ret .= $hex[ord($c) >> 4];
$ret .= $hex[ord($c) & 0xf];
                if ((++
$ret .= '=';
$ret .= "\015";
$ret .= "\012";
$lp = 1;
$ret .= $c;
$lp == 1 && $c == '.') {
$ret .= '.';


ericth at NOSPAM dot pennyworth dot com 07-Oct-2011 01:46
I have re-written the PHP 5.3.8 function for quoted_printable_encode into PHP for use with PHP < 5.3.  Tested with PHP 5.2.11.


$lp = 0;
$ret = '';
$hex = "0123456789ABCDEF";
$length = strlen($str);
$str_index = 0;
    while (
$length--) {
        if (((
$c = $str[$str_index++]) == "\015") && ($str[$str_index] == "\012") && $length > 0) {
$ret .= "\015";
$ret .= $str[$str_index++];
$lp = 0;
        } else {
            if (
                || (
ord($c) == 0x7f)
                || (
ord($c) & 0x80)
                || (
$c == '=')
                || ((
$c == ' ') && ($str[$str_index] == "\015")))
                if ((
$lp += 3) > PHP_QPRINT_MAXL)
$ret .= '=';
$ret .= "\015";
$ret .= "\012";
$lp = 3;
$ret .= '=';
$ret .= $hex[ord($c) >> 4];
$ret .= $hex[ord($c) & 0xf];
                if ((++
$ret .= '=';
$ret .= "\015";
$ret .= "\012";
$lp = 1;
$ret .= $c;


arnaudv6 15-Aug-2011 08:56
One will like to know and clearly read that RFC2045 specifies a line shall not exceed 75 characters.
Accordingly, quoted_printable_encode() splits line at this limit.
Thorsten Glaser 24-Sep-2010 06:05
Two bugs:

1) your linebreak is wrong

                $linebreak = "\r\n";

2) continuation of lines with no whitespace is broken

                                         * the text after the whitespace will have to
                                         * be read again ( + any additional characters
                                         * that came into existence as a result of the
                                         * encoding process after the whitespace)
                                         * Also, do not start at 0, if there was *no*
                                         * whitespace in the whole line
                                        if (($i + $addtl_chars) > $whitesp_diff) { 
                                                $output .= substr($cur_conv_line, 0,
                                                    (strlen($cur_conv_line) - $whitesp_diff)) .
                                                $i = $i - $whitesp_diff + $addtl_chars;
                                        } else {
                                                /* emit continuation --mirabilos */
                                                $output .= $cur_conv_line .
                                                    '=' . $linebreak;
tzangerl [dot] pdc {dot} kth dot se 09-Apr-2010 02:05
A function that QP-encodes an input string (written for PHP < 5.3) and
wordwraps it at the same time, in order to avoid classification according to the MIME QP LONG LINE rule of SpamAssassin.  Thanks for Matt Jeffers to point out errors in the below quoted_printable script!

function quoted_printable_encode($input, $line_max = 75) {
$hex = array('0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7',
$lines = preg_split("/(?:\r\n|\r|\n)/", $input);
$linebreak = "=0D=0A=\r\n";
/* the linebreak also counts as characters in the mime_qp_long_line
    * rule of spam-assassin */
$line_max = $line_max - strlen($linebreak);
$escape = "=";
$output = "";
$cur_conv_line = "";
$length = 0;
$whitespace_pos = 0;
$addtl_chars = 0;

// iterate lines
for ($j=0; $j<count($lines); $j++) {
$line = $lines[$j];
$linlen = strlen($line);

// iterate chars
for ($i = 0; $i < $linlen; $i++) {
$c = substr($line, $i, 1);
$dec = ord($c);


       if (
$dec == 32) {
// space occurring at end of line, need to encode
if (($i == ($linlen - 1))) {
$c = "=20";
$length += 2;

$addtl_chars = 0;
$whitespace_pos = $i;
       } elseif ( (
$dec == 61) || ($dec < 32 ) || ($dec > 126) ) {
$h2 = floor($dec/16); $h1 = floor($dec%16);
$c = $escape . $hex["$h2"] . $hex["$h1"];
$length += 2;
$addtl_chars += 2;

// length for wordwrap exceeded, get a newline into the text
if ($length >= $line_max) {
$cur_conv_line .= $c;

// read only up to the whitespace for the current line
$whitesp_diff = $i - $whitespace_pos + $addtl_chars;

/* the text after the whitespace will have to be read
         * again ( + any additional characters that came into
         * existence as a result of the encoding process after the whitespace)
         * Also, do not start at 0, if there was *no* whitespace in
         * the whole line */
if (($i + $addtl_chars) > $whitesp_diff) {
$output .= substr($cur_conv_line, 0, (strlen($cur_conv_line) -
$whitesp_diff)) . $linebreak;
$i $i - $whitesp_diff + $addtl_chars;
          } else {
$output .= $cur_conv_line . $linebreak;

$cur_conv_line = "";
$length = 0;
$whitespace_pos = 0;
      } else {
// length for wordwrap not reached, continue reading
$cur_conv_line .= $c;
// end of for

$length = 0;
$whitespace_pos = 0;
$output .= $cur_conv_line;
$cur_conv_line = "";

    if (
$j<=count($lines)-1) {
$output .= $linebreak;
// end for

return trim($output);
// end quoted_printable_encode