
(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)



substr_count ( string $haystack , string $needle , int $offset = 0 , int|null $length = null ) : int

substr_count() 返回子字符串 needle 在字符串 haystack 中出现的次数。注意 needle 区分大小写。











指定偏移位置之后的最大搜索长度。如果偏移量加上这个长度的和大于 haystack 的总长度,则打印警告信息。 负数的长度 length 是从 haystack 的末尾开始统计的。


该函数返回 int


版本 说明
8.0.0 length 可以为空(nullable)。
7.1.0 开始支持负数的 offsetlength


Example #1 substr_count() 范例

'This is a test';
strlen($text); // 14

echo substr_count($text'is'); // 2

// 字符串被简化为 's is a test',因此输出 1
echo substr_count($text'is'3);

// 字符串被简化为 's i',所以输出 0
echo substr_count($text'is'33);

// 因为 5+10 > 14,所以生成警告
echo substr_count($text'is'510);

// 输出 1,因为该函数不计算重叠字符串
$text2 'gcdgcdgcd';


User Contributed Notes

tuxedobob 18-Apr-2016 06:55
It's worth noting this function is surprisingly fast. I first ran it against a ~500KB string on our web server. It found 6 occurrences of the needle I was looking for in 0.0000 seconds. Yes, it ran faster than microtime() could measure.

Looking to give it a challenge, I then ran it on a Mac laptop from 2010 against a 120.5MB string. For one test needle, it found 2385 occurrences in 0.0266 seconds. Another test needs found 290 occurrences in 0.114 seconds.

Long story short, if you're wondering whether this function is slowing down your script, the answer is probably not.
tweston at bangordailynews dot com 15-Apr-2015 03:10
To account for the case that jrhodes has pointed out, we can change the line to:

substr_count ( implode( ',', $haystackArray ), $needle );

This way:

array (
  0 => "mystringth",
  1 => "atislong"



Which brings the count for $needle = "that" to 0 again.
php at blink dot at 07-Jul-2014 01:30
This will handle a string where it is unknown if comma or period are used as thousand or decimal separator. Only exception where this leads to a conflict is when there is only a single comma or period and 3 possible decimals (123.456 or 123,456). An optional parameter is passed to handle this case (assume thousands, assume decimal, decimal when period, decimal when comma). It assumes an input string in any of the formats listed below.

function toFloat($pString, $seperatorOnConflict="f")

    $pString=str_replace(" ", $thSeperator, $pString);

    $firstPeriod=strpos($pString, ".");
    $firstComma=strpos($pString, ",");
    if($firstPeriod!==FALSE && $firstComma!==FALSE) {
        if($firstPeriod<$firstComma) {
            $pString=str_replace(".", $thSeperator, $pString);
            $pString=str_replace(",", $decSeperator, $pString);
        else {
            $pString=str_replace(",", $thSeperator, $pString);
    else if($firstPeriod!==FALSE || $firstComma!==FALSE) {
        if(substr_count($pString, $seperator)==1) {
            $lastPeriodOrComma=strpos($pString, $seperator);
            if($lastPeriodOrComma==(strlen($pString)-4) && ($seperatorOnConflict!=$seperator && $seperatorOnConflict!="f")) {
                $pString=str_replace($seperator, $thSeperator, $pString);
            else {
                $pString=str_replace($seperator, $decSeperator, $pString);
        else {
            $pString=str_replace($seperator, $thSeperator, $pString);

function testFloatParsing() {
    $floatvals = array(
        "22 000",
        "123 456",
        "22 000,76",
        "-22 000,76",
        "-22 000",
    echo "<table>
            <th>dec. if period</th>
            <th>dec. if comma</th>
    foreach ($floatvals as $fval) {
        echo "<tr>";
        echo "<td>" . (string) $fval . "</td>";
        echo "<td>" . (float) toFloat($fval, "") . "</td>";
        echo "<td>" . (float) toFloat($fval, "f") . "</td>";
        echo "<td>" . (float) toFloat($fval, ".") . "</td>";
        echo "<td>" . (float) toFloat($fval, ",") . "</td>";
        echo "</tr>";
    echo "</table>";
qeremy [atta] gmail [dotta] com 20-Sep-2013 08:45
Unicode example with "case-sensitive" option;

function substr_count_unicode($str, $substr, $caseSensitive = true, $offset = 0, $length = null) {
    if (
$offset) {
$str = substr_unicode($str, $offset, $length);

$pattern = $caseSensitive
? '~(?:'. preg_quote($substr) .')~u'
: '~(?:'. preg_quote($substr) .')~ui';
preg_match_all($pattern, $str, $matches);

    return isset(
$matches[0]) ? count($matches[0]) : 0;

substr_unicode($str, $start, $length = null) {
join('', array_slice(
preg_split('~~u', $str, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY), $start, $length));

$s = 'ümit yüzüm g?züm...';
substr_count_unicode($s, 'ü');            // 3
print substr_count_unicode($s, 'ü', false);     // 4
print substr_count_unicode($s, 'ü', false, 10); // 1

print substr_count_unicode($s, 'üm');           // 2
print substr_count_unicode($s, 'üm', false);    // 3
chrisstocktonaz at gmail dot com 26-Aug-2009 04:52
In regards to anyone thinking of using code contributed by zmindster at gmail dot com

Please take careful consideration of possible edge cases with that regex, in example:

$url = '';
$url = '';

This would cause a infinite loop and for example be a possible entry point for a denial of service attack. A correct fix would require additional code, a quick hack would be just adding a additional check, without clarity or performance in mind:

$i = 0;
while (substr_count($url, '../') && ++$i < strlen($url))

jrhodes at roket-enterprises dot com 18-Jun-2009 01:37
It was suggested to use

substr_count ( implode( $haystackArray ), $needle );

instead of the function described previously, however this has one flaw.  For example this array:

array (
  0 => "mystringth",
  1 => "atislong"

If you are counting "that", the implode version will return 1, but the function previously described will return 0.
gigi at phpmycoder dot com 12-Jan-2009 08:17
below was suggested a function for substr_count'ing an array, yet for a simpler procedure, use the following:

( implode( $haystackArray ), $needle );
info at fat-fish dot co dot il 05-May-2007 04:07
a simple version for an array needle (multiply sub-strings):

function substr_count_array( $haystack, $needle ) {
$count = 0;
     foreach (
$needle as $substring) {
$count += substr_count( $haystack, $substring);
flobi at flobi dot com 25-Oct-2006 07:07
Making this case insensitive is easy for anyone who needs this.  Simply convert the haystack and the needle to the same case (upper or lower).

substr_count(strtoupper($haystack), strtoupper($needle))
XinfoX X at X XkarlX X-X XphilippX X dot X XdeX 21-Dec-2003 01:27
Yet another reference to the "cgcgcgcgcgcgc" example posted by "chris at pecoraro dot net":

Your request can be fulfilled with the Perl compatible regular expressions and their lookahead and lookbehind features.

The example

 $number_of_full_pattern = preg_match_all('/(cgc)/', "cgcgcgcgcgcgcg", $chunks);

works like the substr_count function. The variable $number_of_full_pattern has the value 3, because the default behavior of Perl compatible regular expressions is to consume the characters of the string subject that were matched by the (sub)pattern. That is, the pointer will be moved to the end of the matched substring.
But we can use the lookahead feature that disables the moving of the pointer:

 $number_of_full_pattern = preg_match_all('/(cg(?=c))/', "cgcgcgcgcgcgcg", $chunks);

In this case the variable $number_of_full_pattern has the value 6.
Firstly a string "cg" will be matched and the pointer will be moved to the end of this string. Then the regular expression looks ahead whether a 'c' can be matched. Despite of the occurence of the character 'c' the pointer is not moved.