
» PECL 扩展未与 PHP 捆绑。

安装此 PECL 扩展相关的信息可在手册中标题为 PECL 扩展的安装章节中找到。更多信息如新的发行版本、下载、源文件、 维护人员信息及变更日志等,都在此处: » https://pecl.php.net/package/geoip.

User Contributed Notes

falconshady at gmail dot com 16-Apr-2021 06:46
Install geoip on php7.4:

# yum install -y http://rpms.remirepo.net/enterprise/remi-release-7.rpm
# yum install -y php74-php-pecl-geoip
# cp /etc/opt/remi/php74/php.d/40-geoip.ini /etc/php.d/
# vim etc/opt/remi/php74/php.d/40-geoip.ini -> change extension=geoip.so by /opt/remi/php74/root/usr/lib64/php/modules/geoip.so

Worked for me, I hope it helps you
Justin 31-Oct-2018 07:01
sudo su
yum install GeoIP-devel
mkdir /root/tmp
pear config-set temp_dir /root/tmp
pecl install -f geoip-1.1.1 # (Or latest)
Add 'extension=geoip.so' to /etc/php.ini
Anonymous 18-Sep-2013 06:37
@Centos 6.4
# yum install GeoIP-devel (from yum repo, epel)
# pecl install geoip
then, as prompt, put "extension=geoip.so" into php.ini. Works
mikey03062 at yahoo dot com 11-Apr-2013 10:29
if you are using RH (or CentOS) a simple

yum install php-pecl-geoip

worked for me.    So, before you read all the rest of these "install" instructions, try that.