
(PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8, PECL OCI8 >= 1.1.0)

OCILob::readReads part of the large object


OCILob::read ( int $length ) : string|false

Reads length bytes from the current position of LOB's internal pointer.

Reading stops when length bytes have been read or end of the large object is reached. Internal pointer of the large object will be shifted on the amount of bytes read.



The length of data to read, in bytes. Large values will be rounded down to 1 MB.


Returns the contents as a string, 或者在失败时返回 false.


版本 说明
8.0.0, PECL OCI8 3.0.0 The OCI-Lob class was renamed to OCILob to align with PHP naming standards.

User Contributed Notes

Marcin Matras 26-Mar-2013 12:49
To read LOB into variable you can use OCI-Lob::load

= $MyBlob->load();
alvaro at demogracia dot com 08-Oct-2008 12:32
To read the whole LOB into a variable:

= $MyBlob->read($MyBlob->size());