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Understanding the CorelDRAW object model : Working with documents : Creating command groups for documents

Creating command groups for documents

Two very useful methods of the Document class combine to create a “command group,” which can reduce a series of programmed, document-related actions to a single, undoable step. These methods — BeginCommandGroup and EndCommandGroup — are demonstrated in the following VBA example:

Dim sh As Shape
ActiveDocument.BeginCommandGroup "CreateCurveEllipse"
Set sh = ActiveLayer.CreateEllipse(0, 1, 1, 0)

The preceding code sets the Undo string in the Edit menu as Undo CreateCurveEllipse. Clicking this command undoes not only the ConvertToCurves operation but also the CreateEllipse operation.

A command group can contain many hundreds of commands, if required. Creating command groups can make your macros appear to be fully integrated into the application.

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