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Object Model Reference : Classes : A : Application : Properties : Application.VersionBuild


Property VersionBuild As Long


Member of Application

The VersionBuild property returns version information about CorelDRAW. The VersionBuild property returns only the build number of the current version. The VersionBuild property returns the second part of the Version number (to the right of the decimal point). For example, if the current version is 14.123, the VersionBuild value is 123.

The VersionBuild property returns a read-only value.

VBA example 1

The following VBA example displays the build number of the current CorelDRAW application in a message box.

Sub BuildVersion()
 MsgBox "You are using CorelDRAW build " & VersionBuild
End Sub
VBA example 2

The following VBA example detects earlier versions of CorelDRAW. Version properties were introduced in CorelDRAW 9 Office Edition.

Sub Main()
 Dim v&, b&
 GetDrawVersion v, b
 MsgBox v & "." & b
End Sub
Sub GetDrawVersion(v As Long, b As Long)
 On Error Resume Next
 v = CorelDRAW.Application.VersionMajor
 If Err.Number <> 0 Then
  v = 9
  b = 439
  b = CorelDRAW.Application.VersionBuild
 End If
 On Error GoTo 0
 MsgBox "You are using CorelDRAW " & v & "." & b
End Sub

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