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Object Model Reference : Classes : C : CloneLink : Properties : CloneLink.OutlineLinked


Property OutlineLinked As Boolean


Member of CloneLink

The OutlineLinked property returns a value indicating if the outline attributes of a clone object are linked to its parent object. If the OutlineLinked property is True, the outline attributes of the cloned object are linked to the parent object. If linked, the clone has the same outline attributes as its parent object.

You can also break or restore a link by assigning a value to the property.

VBA example

The following VBA example looks at the shapes in the current selection that are cloned objects, and restores several links (fill, outline, shape and color) between the cloned objects and their parent objects.

Sub FillLink()
 Dim s As Shape
 For Each s In ActiveSelection.Shapes(1).Clones
  s.CloneLink.FillLinked = True
  s.CloneLink.BitmapColorMaskLinked = True
  s.CloneLink.OutlineLinked = True
  s.CloneLink.ShapeLinked = True
  s.CloneLink.TransformLinked = True
 Next s
End Sub

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