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Object Model Reference : Classes : C : Color : Properties : Color.HLSSaturation


Property HLSSaturation As Long


Member of Color

The HLSSaturation property assigns the Saturation value for the HLS color model in CorelDRAW. Saturation is the purity or vividness of a color, expressed as the absence of white. A color that has 100% saturation contains no white. A color with 0% saturation is a shade of gray.

A color is an effect applied to an object that alters the object’s appearance by the way it reflects light. A color model is a system that defines the number and type of colors that make up an image and that is used to organize and define colors according to a set of basic properties that can be reproduced. Black-and-white, grayscale, RGB, CMYK, and paletted are examples of popular color modes.

The HLS model is a variation of the HSB model and contains three components: hue, lightness, and saturation. Hue determines color (yellow, orange, red, etc.), lightness determines perceived intensity (lighter or darker color), and saturation determines color depth (from dull to intense). The circular visual selector defines the H value (0 to 360) and the S value (0 to 100); the vertical visual selector defines the L value (0 to 100).

VBA example

The following VBA example creates an ellipse on the active layer in the current document.

Sub LayerActive()
 ActiveLayer.CreateEllipse 3, 3, 2, 1
 With ActiveDocument.Selection.Shapes(1).Fill.UniformColor
  .HLSAssign 200, 100, 100
  MsgBox .HLSSaturation
 End With
End Sub

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