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Object Model Reference : Classes : C : CorelScriptTools : Methods : CorelScriptTools.RmFolder


Function RmFolder(Folder As String) As Boolean


Member of CorelScriptTools

The RmFolder method removes an existing folder. The folder must be empty before it can be deleted. You can also use RmFolder as a function: it returns True (-1) if the folder was removed, False (0) if it was not.

Specifies the name of the folder to remove. folderName can include drive specifics; if drive specifics are not included, RmFolder assumes the current drive.

Example 1

The following VBA example removes the Work folder from the Temp folder.

Example 2

The following VBA example removes the Work folder from the Temp folder and assigns -1 to success.

success% = RMFOLDER "C:\TEMP\WORK"

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