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Object Model Reference : Classes : C : CorelScript : Methods : CorelScript.FileExport


Function FileExport(FileName As String, FilterID As Long, Width As Long, Height As Long, XResolution As Long, YResolution As Long, ImageType As Long, AntiAliasing As Long, Overwrite As Boolean, SelectionOnly As Boolean) As Long


Member of CorelScript

The FileExport method saves the current drawing in a format that other programs can read.

Specifies the name of the file to export
Specifies the type of file filter:
769 = Windows Bitmap (BMP)
770 = Paintbrush (PCX)
771 = Targa Bitmap (TGA)
772 = TIFF Bitmap (TIF)
773 = CompuServe Bitmap (GIF)
774 = JPEG Bitmap (JPG)
776 = Scitex CT Bitmap (SCT)
787 = GEM Paint File (IMG)
788 = Adobe Photoshop (PSD)
791 = MACPaint Bitmap (MAC)
792 = OS/2 Bitmap (BMP)
800 = CALS Compressed Bitmap (CAL)
802 = Portable Network Graphics (PNG)
806 = Kodak FlashPix Image (FPX)
1280 = Computer Graphics Metafile (CGM)
1281 = HPGL Plotter File (PLT)
1282 = Micrografx 2.x, 3.x (DRW)
1284 = GEM File (GEM)
1285 = IBM PIF (PIF)
1287 = WordPerfect Graphics (WPG)
1289 = Encapsulated PostScript (EPS)
1293 = Macintosh Pict (PCT)
1294 = Windows Metafile (WMF)
1296 = AutoCad (DXF)
1298 = Scodl (SCD)
1300 = Enhanced Windows Metafile (EMF)
1302 = True Type Font (TTF)
1303 = Adobe Type 1 Font (PFB)
1305 = Adobe Illustrator (AI)
1312 = Corel Barista (HTM)
1313 = Corel Image Map (HTM)
1329 = Frame Vector Metafile (FMV)
1333 = Adobe Portable Document File (PDF)
1792 = Corel PHOTO-PAINT Image (CPT), version 5.0/6.0
1793 = Corel Presentation Exchange 6/7 (CMX)
1794 = Corel Presentation Exchange 5.0 (CMX)
1799 = Corel PHOTO-PAINT Image (CPT)
2048 = ANSI Text (TXT)
2049 = MS Word for Windows 6/7 (DOC)
2050 = MS Word for Windows 2.x (DOC)
2051 = MS Word 4.0, 5.0, 5.5 (DOC)
2052 = MS Word for Macintosh 4.0, 5.0 (DOC)
2053 = Rich Text Format (RTF)
2055 = Corel WordPerfect 6/7/8 (WPD)
2056 = Corel WordPerfect 5.1 (WP5)
2057 = Corel Word Perfect 5.0 (WP5)
2058 = Corel Word Perfect 4.2 (WP5)
2059 = Word Star for Windows 1.x, 2.0 (WSW)
2060 = Word Star 7.0 (WSD)
2061 = Word Star 2000 (WSD)
2062 = XYWrite for Windows (XY)
2068 = MS Word 97 (DOC)
Specifies the width of the image, in pixels
Specifies the height of the image, in pixels
Specifies the horizontal resolution of the image, in dots per inch (dpi)
Specifies the vertical resolution of the image, in dots per inch (dpi)
Specifies the image type:
1 = monochrome bitmap
3 = 8-bit paletted color bitmap
4 = 24-bit RGB color bitmap
6 = 32-bit CMYK bitmap
10 = 4-bit, 16 colors (standard VGA palette)
Specifies the type of anti-aliasing:
0 = None
1 = Normal
2 = Super Sampling
Specifies whether to overwrite the specified filename. True (-1) enables this option.
Specifies whether to export only the current selection. True (-1) enables this option.

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