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Object Model Reference : Classes : D : DataField : Properties : DataField.SummarizeGroup


Property SummarizeGroup As Boolean


Member of DataField

The SummarizeGroup property returns or specifies whether to summarize the data in the fields for the grouped objects.

VBA example

The following VBA example shows the list of all data fields defined for the active document and whether or not the data in the fields should be summarized throughout grouped shapes.

Sub Test()
 Dim s As String
 Dim df As DataField
 s = "Field" & vbTab & "Summarize" & vbCr
 s = s & "------" & vbTab & "--------------" & vbCr
 For Each df In ActiveDocument.DataFields
  s = s & vbCr & df.Name & vbTab
  If df.SummarizeGroup Then s = s & "Yes" Else s = s & "No"
 Next df
 MsgBox s
End Sub

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