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Object Model Reference : Classes : D : Document : Properties : Document.Unit


Property Unit As cdrUnit


Member of Document

The Unit property returns or specifies the unit of measurement used in the document for position, size, and dimensions of objects.

VBA example

The following VBA example creates a new document, moves the center of coordinates to the center of the page, and creates three circles with radii of 1 mm, 1cm, and 1 inch.

Sub Test()
 Dim d As Document
 Set d = CreateDocument
 d.DrawingOriginX = 0
 d.DrawingOriginY = 0
 d.Unit = cdrMillimeter
 d.ActiveLayer.CreateEllipse2 0, 0, 1
 d.Unit = cdrCentimeter
 d.ActiveLayer.CreateEllipse2 0, 0, 1
 d.Unit = cdrInch
 d.ActiveLayer.CreateEllipse2 0, 0, 1
End Sub

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