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Object Model Reference : Classes : E : EffectTwisterDistortion : Properties : EffectTwisterDistortion.Angle


Property Angle As Double


Member of EffectTwisterDistortion

The Angle property returns or specifies the twist angle in a Twister distortion effect.

Positive values denote a counterclockwise rotation, while negative values represent a clockwise rotation. To achieve several full rotations, multiply the number of rotations by 360 for the resultant rotation angle.

VBA example

The following VBA example creates a text shape and applies a Twister distortion effect to it. The twisting angle specified is 450° counterclockwise, resulting in one complete rotation and an additional rotation of 90°.

Sub Test()
 Dim sText As Shape, eff As Effect
 Set sText = ActiveLayer.CreateArtisticText(1.5, 5, "Twister")
 sText.Text.FontProperties.Size = 150
 Set eff = sText.CreateTwisterDistortion(0, 0, 0)
 eff.Distortion.Twister.Angle = -450
End Sub

Alternatively, you can specify the angle in the call to the Shape.CreateTwisterDistortion method, resulting in a procedure that works faster.

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