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Object Model Reference : Classes : E : ExportFilter : Methods : ExportFilter.Reset


Sub Reset()


Member of ExportFilter

The Reset method restores the default settings for a filter.

VBA example

The following VBA example creates a document and an ellipse. When exporting the document to JPEG, the dialog box for the filter is displayed (if one exists). If the user clicks Cancel, the default settings for the filter are restored.

Sub Test()
 Dim ex As ExportFilter
 Dim d As Document
 Set d = CreateDocument
 d.ActiveLayer.CreateEllipse2 4, 4, 1
 Set ex = d.ExportEx("c:\test.jpg", cdrJPEG)
 With ex
  If .HasDialog Then
   If Not .ShowDialog Then .Reset
  End If
 End With
End Sub

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