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Object Model Reference : Classes : F : FountainFill : Methods : FountanFill.Translate


Sub Translate(x As Double, y As Double)


Member of FountainFill

The Translate method repositions the fountain-fill vector. Both the starting and ending points of the fountain fill vector are moved by the specified offset.

Specifies the horizontal offset, measured in document units
Specifies the vertical offset, measured in document units

VBA example

The following VBA example centers a fountain fill in the active shape (by placing the center of the fill in the center of the shape).

Sub Test()
 Dim ff As FountainFill
 Dim cx As Double, cy As Double ' Current position of fill center
 Dim sx As Double, sy As Double ' Shape's center
 If ActiveShape.Fill.Type = cdrFountainFill Then
  Set ff = ActiveShape.Fill.Fountain
  Select Case ff.Type
   Case cdrSquareFountainFill, cdrRadialFountainFill, cdrConicalFountainFill
    cx = ff.StartX
    cy = ff.StartY
   Case cdrLinearFountainFill
    cx = (ff.StartX + ff.EndX) / 2
    cy = (ff.StartY + ff.EndY) / 2
  End Select
  ActiveDocument.ReferencePoint = cdrCenter
  ActiveShape.GetPosition sx, sy
  ff.Translate sx - cx, sy - cy
 End If
End Sub

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