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Object Model Reference : Classes : L : Layer : Methods : Layer.CreateCustomShape


Function CreateCustomShape(TypeID As String, Parameter() As Variant) As Shape


Member of Layer

The CreateCustomShape method creates a custom shape on a layer.

Specifies the Type ID of the desired custom shape
Specifies the parameters for the desired custom shape

For information on returning the properties of custom shapes, see the Shape.Custom property.
Creating tables

CorelDRAW supports the automation of tables through the use of custom shapes. Here is the syntax for creating a table:

Function CreateCustomShape("Table", Left As Double, Top As Double, Right As Double, Bottom As Double, Columns As Long, Rows As Long) As Shape

Specifies the distance from the left side of the table to the left side of the page frame. This value is measured in document units.
Specifies the distance from the top of the table to the top of the page frame. This value is measured in document units.
Specifies the distance from the right side of the table to the right side of the page frame. This value is measured in document units.
Specifies the distance from the bottom of the table to the bottom of the page frame. This value is measured in document units.
Specifies the number of columns
Specifies the number of rows

For information on working with tables, see the TableShape class. The Shape.Custom property provides access to the properties and methods of the TableShape class.

VBA example

The following VBA example creates a document containing a calendar for the month of January 2009, highlighting the cell for January 1st.

Sub Test()
Dim s1 As Shape
'Create a Table with 7 columns and 7 rows
Set s1 = ActiveLayer.CreateCustomShape("Table", 1, 10, 5, 7, 7, 6)
'Add Days of the Week to the each column in Row 1
s1.Custom.Cell(1, 1).TextShape.Text.Story = "Sun"
s1.Custom.Cell(2, 1).TextShape.Text.Story = "Mon"
s1.Custom.Cell(3, 1).TextShape.Text.Story = "Tue"
s1.Custom.Cell(4, 1).TextShape.Text.Story = "Wed"
s1.Custom.Cell(5, 1).TextShape.Text.Story = "Thu"
s1.Custom.Cell(6, 1).TextShape.Text.Story = "Fri"
s1.Custom.Cell(7, 1).TextShape.Text.Story = "Sat"
'Add a row above the first column
s1.Custom.AddRow 1
'Merge the cells in row
'Add the Title 'January'
'Center the text
s1.Custom.Cell(1, 1).TextShape.Text.Story = "January"
s1.Custom.Cell(1, 1).TextShape.Text.Story.Words.All.Size = 22
s1.Custom.Cell(1, 1).TextShape.Text.Story.Alignment = _
'Populate the calendar with dates
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To 31
'Insert the numbers starting at cell 13 (ie 1+12)
s1.Custom.Cells(i + 12).TextShape.Text.Story = i
Next i
'Merge the cells with no date
s1.Custom.Cells.Range(9, 10, 11, 12).Merge
'Place a fill in the cells containing no dates
Dim f1 As Fill
Set f1 = ActiveDocument.CreateFill("EmptyCellFill")
f1.ApplyUniformFill CreateRGBColor(220, 220, 220)
s1.Custom.Cells.Range(9, 10, 11, 12).ApplyFill f1
'Put a border around the tableshape
s1.Outline.Width = 0.05
'Put a border around row 1 of the tableshape
s1.Custom.Rows(1).Cells.All.Borders.All.Width = 0.05
'Put a green border around the January 1st cell
s1.Custom.Cells(10).Borders.All.Width = 0.05
s1.Custom.Cells.Range(10).Borders.All.Color.RGBAssign 0, 255, 0
End Sub

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