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Object Model Reference : Classes : P : PrintPostScript : Properties : PrintPostScript.JPEGCompression


Property JPEGCompression As Boolean


Member of PrintPostScript

The JPEGCompression property returns or specifies whether to compress the bitmaps in a print job.

You can use the JPEGQuality property to specify the quality of the compression.
VBA example

The following VBA example creates a rectangle, an ellipse, and a polygon. It fills each of them with a texture fill and converts them to bitmaps. JPEG compression is disabled, and the document is printed. Then JPEG compression is enabled, the quality of the compression is set, and the document is printed again.

Sub Test()
 Dim shRect As Shape
 Set shRect = ActiveLayer.CreateRectangle(1.114882, 10.078268, 3.030787, 8.485827, 0, 0, 0, 0)
 Dim shEllipse As Shape
 Set shEllipse = ActiveLayer.CreateEllipse(4.075827, 7.540315, 6.016614, 5.375591, 90#, 90#, False)
 Dim shPolygon As Shape
 Set shPolygon = ActiveLayer.CreatePolygon(5.842445, 2.912283, 7.758343, 0.44898, 5, 1, 1, False, 50, 100)
 With shPolygon.Fill.ApplyTextureFill("Alien Eyes", "Samples 9")
  .SetProperties 3281, 2, 0, 150, 25, 1, CreateRGBColor(25, 0, 73), CreateRGBColor(229, 255, 0), 0
  .MaximumTileWidth = 2049
  .TransformWithShape = True
  .MirrorFill = False
  .TileOffsetType = cdrTileOffsetRow
  .TileOffset = 0
  .Resolution = 300
  .RotationAngle = 0#
  .SkewAngle = 0#
  .TileHeight = 2.228083
  .TileWidth = 1.822134
  .OriginX = 0#
  .OriginY = 0#
 End With
 shPolygon.ConvertToBitmap , , , False, 150
 With shEllipse.Fill.ApplyTextureFill("Disco Nightmare", "Samples 9")
  .SetProperties 4641, 0, 100, 0, 100, CreateRGBColor(51, 0, 204), CreateRGBColor(255, 102, 0), 0
  .MaximumTileWidth = 2049
  .TransformWithShape = True
  .MirrorFill = False
  .TileOffsetType = cdrTileOffsetRow
  .TileOffset = 0
  .Resolution = 300
  .RotationAngle = 0#
  .SkewAngle = 0#
  .TileHeight = 2.164724
  .TileWidth = 1.940787
  .OriginX = 0#
  .OriginY = 0#
 End With
 shEllipse.ConvertToBitmap , , , False, 150
 With shRect.Fill.ApplyTextureFill("Solder", "Samples 9")
  .SetProperties 19195, 60, 0, 75, 25, 100, 50, 50, CreateRGBColor(25, 25, 255), CreateRGBColor(0, 0, 0), CreateRGBColor(255, 255, 255), 0
  .MaximumTileWidth = 2049
  .TransformWithShape = True
  .MirrorFill = False
  .TileOffsetType = cdrTileOffsetRow
  .TileOffset = 0
  .Resolution = 300
  .RotationAngle = 0#
  .SkewAngle = 0#
  .TileHeight = 2.662362
  .TileWidth = 1.84126
  .OriginX = 0.000008
  .OriginY = 0.000004
 End With
 shRect.ConvertToBitmap , , , False, 150
 With ActiveDocument
  .PrintSettings.PostScript.JPEGCompression = False
  .PrintSettings.PostScript.JPEGCompression = True
  .PrintSettings.PostScript.JPEGQuality = 100
 End With
End Sub

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