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Object Model Reference : Classes : P : Properties : Methods : Properties.Delete


Sub Delete(Name As String, ID As Long)


Member of Properties

The Delete method deletes a data item as specified by name and ID.

Specifies the data item by its name
Specifies the data item by its ID

VBA example

The following VBA example retrieves all shape references stored in the page and deletes them.

Sub DeleteStoredShapes()
 Dim s As Shape, sr As New ShapeRange
 Dim v As Variant
 Dim Num As Long, i As Long, id As Long
 v = ActivePage.Properties("ShapeArray", 0) ' Retrieving the total number of shape references stored
 If Not IsNull(v) Then
  ActivePage.Properties.Delete "ShapeArray", 0 ' Delete the property
  Num = v
  For i = 1 To Num
   id = ActivePage.Properties("ShapeArray", i) ' Getting the current shape's ID to find
   Set s = ActivePage.FindShape(StaticID:=id)
   If Not s Is Nothing Then sr.Add s ' Add the shape to the shape range
   ActivePage.Properties.Delete "ShapeArray", i ' Delete the property
  Next i
  sr.Delete ' Delete all shapes found
  MsgBox "No shape references stored in the active page"
 End If
End Sub

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