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Object Model Reference : Classes : R : Rectangle : Properties : Rectangle.CornerUpperLeft


Property CornerUpperLeft As Long


Member of Rectangle

The CornerUpperLeft property returns or specifies the roundness of the upper-left corner of a rectangle.

The value for the roundness ranges from 0 (a cusp corner) to 100 (the maximum corner radius, which is half the length of the shortest side).

VBA example

The following VBA example determines whether the selected rectangle has any rounded corners.

Sub Test()
 Dim r As Rectangle
 If ActiveShape.Type = cdrRectangleShape Then
  Set r = ActiveShape.Rectangle
  If r.CornerUpperLeft = 0 And r.EqualCorners Then
   MsgBox "The rectangle does not have rounded corners."
   MsgBox "The rectangle has rounded corners."
  End If
  MsgBox "The selected shape is not a rectangle."
 End If
End Sub

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