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Object Model Reference : Classes : S : Shape : Properties : Shape.Effects


Property Effects As Effects


Member of Shape

The Effects property returns a collection of all the Effects applied to a shape.

The Effects property returns a read-only value.

VBA example

The following VBA example creates three ellipses and two blends between them. One ellipse, referenced by the s2 variable, is part of both blends. The Effects collection is then applied to that ellipse, to access both blends and adjust their spacing-acceleration properties.

Sub Test()
 Dim doc As Document
 Dim s1 As Shape, s2 As Shape, s3 As Shape
 Dim e As Effect
 Set doc = CreateDocument
 Set s1 = doc.ActiveLayer.CreateEllipse(0, 0, 2, 2)
 s1.Fill.UniformColor.RGBAssign 255, 0, 0
 Set s2 = doc.ActiveLayer.CreateEllipse(4, 4, 5, 5)
 s2.Fill.UniformColor.RGBAssign 0, 0, 255
 Set s3 = doc.ActiveLayer.CreateEllipse(0, 7, 1, 8)
 s3.Fill.UniformColor.RGBAssign 0, 255, 0
 s2.CreateBlend s1
 s2.CreateBlend s3
 For Each e In s2.Effects
  e.Blend.SpacingAcceleration = -100
 Next e
End Sub

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