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Object Model Reference : Classes : S : Shape : Properties : Shape.Guide


Property Guide As Guide


Member of Shape

The Guide property returns a Guide object that represents the guideline properties of a guideline shape.

The Guide property returns a read-only value.

VBA example

The following VBA example shows how many guidelines of each type exist on the master page.

Sub Test()
 Dim s As Shape
 Dim hg As Long, vg As Long, sg As Long
 vg = 0: sg = 0: hg = 0
 For Each s In ActiveDocument.Pages(0).Guides(cdrAllGuides)
  Select Case s.Guide.Type
   Case cdrVerticalGuide
    vg = vg + 1
   Case cdrSlantedGuide
    sg = sg + 1
   Case cdrHorizontalGuide
    hg = hg + 1
  End Select
 Next s
 MsgBox "The document contains:" & vbCr & _
  "Horizontal guides: " & hg & vbCr & _
  "Vertical guides: " & vg & vbCr & _
  "Slanted guides: " & sg
End Sub

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