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Object Model Reference : Classes : S : Shape : Methods : Shape.Rotate


Sub Rotate(Angle As Double)


Member of Shape

The Rotate method rotates a shape. The center of rotation is specified by the Shape.RotationCenterX and Shape.RotationCenterY properties of the shape.

Specifies the number of degrees to rotate the shape

VBA example

The following VBA example creates a flower with randomly colored petals.

Sub Test()
 Const NumLeafs As Long = 11
 Dim pal As Palette
 Dim s As Shape
 Dim i As Long, NumColors As Long
 Set s = Nothing
 If ActivePalette Is Nothing Then
  Set pal = Palettes.Open(Application.SetupPath & "Custom\coreldrw.xml")
  Set pal = ActivePalette
 End If
 NumColors = pal.ColorCount
 For i = 1 To NumLeafs
  If s Is Nothing Then
   Set s = ActiveLayer.CreateEllipse(5, 5, 7, 6)
   s.RotationCenterX = 4
   s.RotationCenterY = 5.5
  End If
  s.Fill.ApplyUniformFill pal.Color(Rnd() * NumColors + 1)
  s.Rotate 360 / NumLeafs
 Next i
End Sub

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