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Object Model Reference : Classes : S : StructImportResampleOptions : Properties : StructImportResampleOptions.FileName


Property FileName As String


Member of StructImportResampleOptions

The FileName property specifies a filename when resampling on import.

The FileName property returns a read-only value.

VBA example

The following VBA example creates a new resample-options class. It then imports a JPEG file and resamples it depending on the value for StructImportResampleOptions.CustomData. Before it applies the resampling, the original settings of the image are displayed.

To try out this code example, copy the following lines of code into a new class module named cResample:

Option Explicit
Implements IImportResampleHandler
Private Function IImportResampleHandler_Resample(Options As IStructImportResampleOptions) As Boolean
 Dim s As String
 s = "Original Settings: " & vbCr
 s = s & "DpiX: " & Options.DpiX & vbCr
 s = s & "DpiY: " & Options.DpiY & vbCr
 s = s & "FileName: " & Options.FileName & vbCr
 s = s & "Filter: " & Options.FilterID & vbCr
 ' Display the original settings in a message box
 MsgBox s
 ' If the custom data is set to 8, then resample half of the original; otherwise 1.5
 If Options.CustomData = 8 Then
  Options.Height = Options.Height / 2
  Options.Width = Options.Width / 2
  Options.Height = Options.Height / 1.5
  Options.Width = Options.Width / 1.5
 End If
End Function

Next, copy the following subroutine into a regular module or ThisDocument:

Sub testResample()
 ' Declare a new resample class.
 Dim MyResampler As New cResample
 ' Declare a new import options structure.
 Dim io As New StructImportOptions
 ' Change the mode to resample.
 io.Mode = cdrImportResample
 ' Set the custom data.
 io.CustomData = 8
 ' Set the import options resample handler to the one created.
 Set io.ResampleHandler = MyResampler
 ' Import the jpeg file passing the import option structure.
 ActiveLayer.Import "C:\Test.jpg", , io
End Sub

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