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Including queries in macros : Understanding the available query criteria : Querying outlines

Querying outlines

You can query the outline properties of the shapes on a page or layer.

To access the outline properties of the current shape, you must prepend the property name with the at sign ( @ ). Thus, @type calls the Outline.Type property of the current shape.

You can call an expression without specifying the current shape. However, in this case, the @ operator is unavailable.

Outline queries can return values of any of the other supported object types (see Understanding the available query criteria).

Outlines support the following query criteria:

Query criteria
Example and result
Returns True if the Behind Fill option is set
Returns the color of the outline, or null if the shape does not have an outline
Returns True if the outline is hairline
Returns a string representing the line-cap type of the outline. Possible values are 'butt', 'round', and 'square'.
Returns a string representing the corner type of the outline. Possible values are 'miter', 'round', and 'bevel'.
Returns True if the Scale Outline with Object option is set
Returns a string representing the outline type. The possible values are 'none', 'solid', 'dot-dash', and 'enhanced'.
@outline[.type = 'solid' or .type = 'dot-dash']
Selects all shapes with solid or dashed outlines
Returns the width of the outline, in points
@outline > {1 pt}
Checks whether the shape outline is wider than 1 pt

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