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Understanding the CorelDRAW object model : Working with documents : Setting document properties

Setting document properties

You can specify the reference point, unit of measurement, and drawing scale for a document by using the corresponding properties of the Document class.

The Document.ReferencePoint property specifies the reference point for a document. This point is referenced when positioning the objects in that document.

The Document.Unit property specifies the unit of measurement for a document. This unit is used to position and size the objects in that document.

The Document.WorldScale property specifies the drawing scale for a document. The drawing scale lets you make the distances in a drawing proportionate to real-world distances; for example, you can specify that 1 inch in the drawing corresponds to 1 meter in the physical world.

These properties affect all elements in your document, such as the objects that you draw. For optimal results, choose the settings that best fit your macro solution.

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