ReflectionProperty 类

(PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)


ReflectionProperty 类报告了类的属性的相关信息。


ReflectionProperty implements Reflector {
/* 常量 */
const integer IS_STATIC = 1 ;
const integer IS_PUBLIC = 256 ;
const integer IS_PROTECTED = 512 ;
const integer IS_PRIVATE = 1024 ;
/* 属性 */
public $name ;
public $class ;
/* 方法 */
final private __clone ( ) : void
public static export ( mixed $class , string $name , bool $return = ? ) : string
public getAttributes ( string $name = null , int $flags = 0 ) : array
public getDefaultValue ( ) : mixed
public getDocComment ( ) : string|false
public getModifiers ( ) : int
public getName ( ) : string
public getType ( ) : ReflectionType|null
public getValue ( object|null $object = null ) : mixed
public hasDefaultValue ( ) : bool
public hasType ( ) : bool
public isDefault ( ) : bool
public isInitialized ( object|null $object = null ) : bool
public isPrivate ( ) : bool
public isProtected ( ) : bool
public isPublic ( ) : bool
public isStatic ( ) : bool
public setAccessible ( bool $accessible ) : void
public setValue ( object $object , mixed $value ) : void
public __toString ( ) : string



属性的名称。只读,在尝试赋值的时候抛出 ReflectionException


定义的属性所在的类。只读,在尝试赋值的时候抛出 ReflectionException


ReflectionProperty 修饰符


指示了 static 的属性。


指示了 public 的属性。


指示了 protected 的属性。


指示了 private 的属性。

Table of Contents

User Contributed Notes

Nanhe Kumar 06-Jan-2014 12:36
//serialize static properties (class variable)

class Student {

$members = array();
    public static

    public function
__construct($name = 'Nanhe Kumar') {
$this->name = $name;

    public function
__sleep() {
$vars = get_class_vars(get_class($this));
        foreach (
$vars as $key => $val) {
            if (!empty(
$this->members[$key] = $val;

    public function
__wakeup() {
        foreach (
$this->members as $key => $val) {
$prop = new ReflectionProperty(get_class($this), $key);
$prop->setValue(get_class($this), $val);
$this->members = array();

    public function
getTotalStudent() {


$so1 = new Student();
$so2 = new Student();
$serialized = serialize($so1);
print_r($serialized); //O:7:"Student":2:{s:16:"Studentmembers";a:1:{s:11:"noOfStudent";i:2;}s:7:"*name";s:11:"Nanhe Kumar";}
$unserialized = unserialize($serialized);
print_r($unserialized); //Student Object ( [members:Student:private] => Array ( ) [name:protected] => Nanhe Kumar )
echo Student::$noOfStudent; //2
rasmus at mindplay dot dk 30-Jul-2010 05:06
I think a more accurate explanation is this:

The Reflection classes are designed to reflect upon the source code of an application, not on any runtime information.

I think you misunderstand the ReflectionProperty constructor in your example above. The fact that it accepts an object as argument is just a convenience feature - you are actually inspecting the class of that object, not the object itself, so it's basically equivalent to:


// works fine
$Reflection = new ReflectionProperty(get_class($a), 'a');

// throws exception
$Reflection = new ReflectionProperty(get_class($a), 'foo');


Getting the class of the object you're passing in is implied, since inspecting a defined property is the purpose of this class.

In your example, $a->foo is a dynamic member - it is not defined as a member of class, so there is no defining class reference, line number, default value, etc. - which means, there is nothing to reflect upon.

Clearly this very useful library could use some real documentation...