The SplDoublyLinkedList class

(PHP 5 >= 5.3.0, PHP 7, PHP 8)


The SplDoublyLinkedList class provides the main functionalities of a doubly linked list.


SplDoublyLinkedList implements Iterator , ArrayAccess , Countable , Serializable {
/* 常量 */
const int IT_MODE_LIFO = 2 ;
const int IT_MODE_FIFO = 0 ;
const int IT_MODE_DELETE = 1 ;
const int IT_MODE_KEEP = 0 ;
/* 方法 */
public add ( mixed $index , mixed $newval ) : void
public bottom ( ) : mixed
public count ( ) : int
public current ( ) : mixed
public getIteratorMode ( ) : int
public isEmpty ( ) : bool
public key ( ) : mixed
public next ( ) : void
public offsetExists ( mixed $index ) : bool
public offsetGet ( mixed $index ) : mixed
public offsetSet ( mixed $index , mixed $newval ) : void
public offsetUnset ( mixed $index ) : void
public pop ( ) : mixed
public prev ( ) : void
public push ( mixed $value ) : void
public rewind ( ) : void
public serialize ( ) : string
public setIteratorMode ( int $mode ) : void
public shift ( ) : mixed
public top ( ) : mixed
public unserialize ( string $serialized ) : void
public unshift ( mixed $value ) : void
public valid ( ) : bool


Iteration Direction


The list will be iterated in a last in, first out order, like a stack.


The list will be iterated in a first in, first out order, like a queue.

Iteration Behavior


Iteration will remove the iterated elements.


Iteration will not remove the iterated elements.

Table of Contents

User Contributed Notes

lincoln dot du dot j at gmail dot com 12-Jul-2017 06:28
$a = new SplDoublyLinkedList;

$a->push(11); //push method
$a->add(10,12); //add method must with index
$a->shift(); //remove array first value
$a->unshift(1); //add first value

$a->rewind(); //initial from first

echo "SplDoublyLinkedList array last/top value " .  $a->top() ." \n";
echo "SplDoublyLinkedList array count value " .  $a->count() ." \n";
echo "SplDoublyLinkedList array first/top value " . $a->bottom() . " \n\n";

while($a->valid()){ //check with valid method
    echo 'key ', $a->key(), ' value ', $a->current(),"\n"; //key and current method use here
    $a->next(); //next method use here

$a->pop(); //remove array last value
echo $s;

SplDoublyLinkedList array last/top value 12
SplDoublyLinkedList array count value 11
SplDoublyLinkedList array first/top value 1

key 0 value 1
key 1 value 2
key 2 value 3
key 3 value 4
key 4 value 5
key 5 value 6
key 6 value 7
key 7 value 8
key 8 value 9
key 9 value 11
key 10 value 12
SplDoublyLinkedList Object
    [flags:SplDoublyLinkedList:private] => 0
    [dllist:SplDoublyLinkedList:private] => Array
            [0] => 1
            [1] => 2
            [2] => 3
            [3] => 4
            [4] => 5
            [5] => 6
            [6] => 7
            [7] => 8
            [8] => 9
            [9] => 11

dongchao769390531 at 163 dot com 06-Jun-2017 10:03
= new SplDoublyLinkedList();
//First of all, we need rewind list
//Use while, check if the list has valid node
while ($splDoubleLinkedList->valid()){
//Print current node's value
echo $splDoubleLinkedList->current()."\n";
//Turn the cursor to next node
Maaz Rehman 17-May-2015 06:54
php doubly link list is an amazing data structure ,doubly means you can traverse forward as well as backward, it can act as a deque(double ended queue) if you want it to,
here is how it works


//instantiating an object of doubly link list

$dlist=new SplDoublyLinkedList();

//a push inserts data at the end of the list

/* the list contains

//while an unshift inserts an object at top of the list

/* the list now contains

//you can delete an item from the bottom of the list by using pop

/* the list now contains

//you can delete an item from the top of the list by using shift()

/* the list now contains



/* if you want to replace an item at particular index you can use a method named add , note that if you want to replace an item that does not exist , an exception will be thrown*/

$dlist->add(3 , 2.24);

to go through the list we use a simple for loop, the rewind() method shown below point to the initials of the list depending on the iterator, a valid() method checks whether a list is still valid or not , meaning it ensures the loop does not go on and on after we reach the last data in the list , and the next() method simply points to the next data in the list.

    echo $dlist->current()."<br/>";
echo "<br/>";

To traverse backward

    echo $dlist->current()."<br/>";;
Gilles A 09-Aug-2013 12:19
FIFO and LIFO in SplDoublyLinkedList

$list = new SplDoublyLinkedList();
echo "FIFO (First In First Out) :\n";
for ($list->rewind(); $list->valid(); $list->next()) {
    echo $list->current()."\n";
Result :

// FIFO (First In First Out):
// a
// b
// c
// d
echo "LIFO (Last In First Out) :\n";
for ($list->rewind(); $list->valid(); $list->next()) {
    echo $list->current()."\n";
Result :

// LIFO (Last In First Out):
// d
// c
// b
// a