The SplFileInfo class

(PHP 5 >= 5.1.2, PHP 7, PHP 8)


The SplFileInfo class offers a high-level object oriented interface to information for an individual file.


SplFileInfo {
/* 方法 */
public __construct ( string $file_name )
public getATime ( ) : int
public getBasename ( string $suffix = ? ) : string
public getCTime ( ) : int
public getExtension ( ) : string
public getFileInfo ( string $class_name = ? ) : SplFileInfo
public getFilename ( ) : string
public getGroup ( ) : int
public getInode ( ) : int
public getLinkTarget ( ) : string
public getMTime ( ) : int
public getOwner ( ) : int
public getPath ( ) : string
public getPathInfo ( string $class_name = ? ) : SplFileInfo
public getPathname ( ) : string
public getPerms ( ) : int
public getRealPath ( ) : string
public getSize ( ) : int
public getType ( ) : string
public isDir ( ) : bool
public isExecutable ( ) : bool
public isFile ( ) : bool
public isLink ( ) : bool
public isReadable ( ) : bool
public isWritable ( ) : bool
public openFile ( string $open_mode = "r" , bool $use_include_path = false , resource $context = null ) : SplFileObject
public setFileClass ( string $class_name = "SplFileObject" ) : void
public setInfoClass ( string $class_name = "SplFileInfo" ) : void
public __toString ( ) : string

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