The Yaf_Response_Abstract class

(Yaf >=1.0.0)



Yaf_Response_Abstract {
/* Constants */
const string DEFAULT_BODY = "content" ;
/* 属性 */
protected $_header ;
protected $_body ;
protected $_sendheader ;
/* 方法 */
public appendBody ( string $content , string $key = ? ) : bool
public clearBody ( string $key = ? ) : bool
public clearHeaders ( ) : void
public __construct ( )
public __destruct ( ) : void
public getBody ( string $key = ? ) : mixed
public getHeader ( ) : void
public prependBody ( string $content , string $key = ? ) : bool
public response ( ) : void
protected setAllHeaders ( ) : void
public setBody ( string $content , string $key = ? ) : bool
public setHeader ( ) : void
public setRedirect ( string $url ) : bool
private __toString ( ) : void





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