The ZMQSocket class

(PECL zmq >= 0.5.0)



ZMQSocket {
/* Methods */
public bind ( string $dsn , bool $force = false ) : ZMQSocket
public connect ( string $dsn , bool $force = false ) : ZMQSocket
public __construct ( ZMQContext $context , int $type , string $persistent_id = null , callable $on_new_socket = null )
public disconnect ( string $dsn ) : ZMQSocket
public getEndpoints ( ) : array
public getPersistentId ( ) : string
public getSocketType ( ) : int
public getSockOpt ( string $key ) : mixed
public isPersistent ( ) : bool
public recv ( int $mode = 0 ) : string
public recvMulti ( int $mode = 0 ) : array
public send ( string $message , int $mode = 0 ) : ZMQSocket
public sendmulti ( array $message , int $mode = 0 ) : ZMQSocket
public setSockOpt ( int $key , mixed $value ) : ZMQSocket
public unbind ( string $dsn ) : ZMQSocket

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