Understanding the CorelDRAW object model : Working with shapes : Coloring shapes |
You can add color to a shape by applying a fill (or Fill object) to it. The fill type for a shape is recorded by the Fill.Type property as one of the following constants for the cdrFillType enumeration:
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cdrUniformFill uniform fill
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cdrFountainFill fountain fill
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cdrPatternFill pattern fill
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cdrTextureFill texture fill
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cdrPostScriptFill PostScript fill
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cdrHatchFill hatch fill
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cdrNoFill no fill
The following VBA code returns the type of fill that is applied to the active shape:
Dim fillType As cdrFillType |
fillType = ActiveShape.Fill.Type |
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You cannot change the fill type for a shape by modifying its Fill.Type property. Instead, you must use
the appropriate Fill.Apply...Fill method, as described in the subsections that follow.
You can also add color to a shape by applying an outline (or Outline object) to it.
In addition, the object model provides a variety of properties and methods for working with the colors (or Color objects) that you apply to shapes.
For information on applying fills and outlines and on working with colors, see the following subtopics:
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In your macros, you can include queries that search for shapes that have specific fill properties, outline
properties, or color properties. For information, see Including queries in macros.
Uniform fills consist of a single, solid color. A uniform fill is represented by the Fill.UniformColor property as a Color object.
You can apply a uniform fill to a shape by using the Fill.ApplyUniformFill method. The following VBA example applies a red uniform fill to the active shape:
ActiveShape.Fill.ApplyUniformFill CreateRGBColor(255, 0, 0) |
You can change the color of a uniform fill by modifying its Fill.UniformColor property. The following VBA example changes the uniform fill of the active shape to deep navy blue:
ActiveShape.Fill.UniformColor.RGBAssign 0, 0, 102 |
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You can remove the uniform fill from a shape by using the Fill.ApplyNoFill method.
Fountain fills display a progression between two colors. A fountain fill is represented by the Fill.Fountain property as a FountainFill object, which specifies the various properties for the fountain fill: start color, end color, angle, blend type, and so on. The colors in a fountain fill are represented by a FountainColors collection.
You can apply a fountain fill to a shape by using the Fill.ApplyFountainFill method. This method provides optional parameters for various fountain-fill settings, such as the midpoint and offset of the blend. The following VBA example creates a simple linear fountain fill, from red to yellow, at 30 degrees to the horizontal:
Dim startCol As New Color, endCol As New Color |
startCol.RGBAssign 255, 0, 0 |
endCol.RGBAssign 255, 255, 0 |
ActiveShape.Fill.ApplyFountainFill startCol, endCol, cdrLinearFountainFill, 30 |
You can add a color to a fountain fill by using the FountainColors.Add method. Color positions are integer values in percent, where 0% is the start-color position and 100% is the end-color position. The following VBA example adds a green color to the fountain fill at a position about one-third (33%) of the way from the existing red color:
Dim fFill As FountainFill |
Set fFill = ActiveShape.Fill.Fountain |
fFill.Colors.Add CreateRGBColor(0, 102, 0), 33 |
You can move a color in a fountain fill by using the FountainColor.Move method. The following VBA code moves the green color from the previous example to a position that is 60% of the way from the red (that is, more towards the yellow):
ActiveShape.Fill.Fountain.Colors(1).Move 60 |
You can use the FountainColors.Count property to determine the number of colors between the start color and end color of a fountain fill. (For the preceding example, this value is 1.) The first color in the collection is that start color, and its index number is 0; this color cannot be moved, but its color can be changed. The last color in the collection is the end color, and its index number is (Count + 1); this color cannot be moved, but its color can be changed. The following VBA code changes the end color from yellow to blue:
Dim cols As FountainColors |
Set cols = ActiveShape.Fill.Fountain.Colors |
cols(cols.Count + 1).Color.RGBAssign 0, 0, 102 |
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You can remove the fountain fill from a shape by using the Fill.ApplyNoFill method.
Pattern fills display a series of repeating vector objects or bitmap images. A pattern fill is represented by the Fill.Pattern property as a PatternFill object, which specifies the various properties for the pattern fill: foreground color, background color, tile offset, and so on.
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The collection of available pattern fills is stored in the PatternCanvases collection.
You can apply a pattern fill to a shape by using the Fill.ApplyPatternFill method.
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You can remove the pattern fill from a shape by using the Fill.ApplyNoFill method.
Texture fills are fractally generated and fill a shape with one image rather than a series of repeating images. A texture fill is represented by the Fill.Texture property as a TextureFill object, which specifies the various properties for the texture fill: origin, resolution, tile offset, and so on.
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The properties for a texture fill are stored in a TextureFillProperties collection.
You can apply a texture fill to a shape by using the Fill.ApplyTextureFill method.
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You can remove the texture fill from a shape by using the Fill.ApplyNoFill method.
PostScript fills are texture fills that are designed by using the PostScript language. A PostScript fill is represented by the Fill.PostScript property as a PostScriptFill object, which specifies the various properties for the PostScript fill.
You can apply a PostScript fill to a shape by using the Fill.ApplyPostScriptFill method.
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You can remove the PostScript fill from a shape by using the Fill.ApplyNoFill method.
Hatch fills are composed of vector-based lines and can be used to clearly distinguish the materials or object relationships in a drawing. A hatch fill is represented by the Fill.Hatch property as a HatchFill object, which specifies the various properties for the hatch fill.
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The collection of available hatch-fill patterns is stored in the HatchPatterns collection, and each
document stores its own library of hatch-fill patterns in a HatchLibraries collection.
You can apply a hatch fill to a shape by using the Fill.ApplyHatchFill method.
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You can remove the hatch fill from a shape by using the Fill.ApplyNoFill method.
You can use the various properties and methods of the Outline class to define the outline of a shape.
The Outline.Type property uses the following constants of the cdrOutlineType enumeration to record whether the specified shape has an outline:
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cdrOutline indicates that the shape has an outline
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cdrNoOutline indicates that the shape does not have an outline
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If a shape has no outline, setting its Outline.Type property to cdrOutline applies the document-default
outline style.
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If a shape has an outline, setting its Outline.Type property to cdrNoOutline removes that outline.
The Outline.Width property for an outline sets its width in document units. In the following VBA example, the outline of the selected shapes is set to 1 millimeter:
ActiveDocument.Unit = cdrMillimeter |
ActiveSelection.Outline.Width = 1 |
The Outline.Color property for an outline defines its color, as in the following VBA example:
ActiveSelection.Outline.Color.GrayAssign 0 ' Set to black |
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Setting the color of an outline automatically sets the Outline.Type property of that outline to
cdrOutline and applies the default outline width.
The Outline.Style property for an outline specifies the dash settings of that outline. These dash settings are defined by the following properties of the OutlineStyle class:
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DashCount represents the number of pairs of dashes and gaps in an outline. This value ranges from 1 to 5.
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GapLength represents the length ofeach gap in an outline. This value is calculated as a multiple of the
outline width, which is measured in document units.
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Outline objects have many other properties, including the following:
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StartArrow and EndArrow specify the arrowhead on each end of an open curve
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LineCaps and LineJoin respectively, specify the type of line caps (butt, round, or square) and line
joins (bevel, miter, or round)
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NibAngle and NibStretch specify the shape of the nib used to draw the outline
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BehindFill and ScaleWithShape respectively, draw the outline behind the fill and scale the
outline with the shape
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Outline objects also have methods, including the following:
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ConvertToObject converts the outline to an object
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SetProperties sets most of the available outline properties in a single call
The Color class defines the fill colors and outline colors that you apply to shapes. This class provides a number of properties and methods for working with color.
You can determine the color model of a color by accessing its Color.Type property, as in the following VBA example:
Dim colType As cdrColorType |
colType = ActiveShape.Outline.Color.Type |
The Color.Type property is defined by the cdrColorType enumeration, which provides the following constants (among many others) for supported color models:
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cdrColorCMYK specifies the CMYK color model
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cdrColorRGB specifies the RGB color model
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cdrColorGray specifies the grayscale color model
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The color components for each supported color model are defined by additional properties of the Color
class, as demostrated by the following VBA examples:
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CMYK color model is defined by the Color.CMYKCyan, Color.CMYKMagenta,
Color.CMYKYellow, and Color.CMYKBlack properties
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RGB color model is defined by the Color.RGBRed, Color.RGBGreen, and Color.RGBBlue
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grayscale color model is defined by the Color.Gray property
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The range of values that is supported by a color component depends on the color model for that
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To create a color, you can use the automation keyword New, as in Dim col As New Color .
You can copy the properties of one color to another color by using the Color.CopyAssign method, as in the following VBA example:
Dim sh As Shape |
Set sh = ActiveShape |
sh.Outline.Color.CopyAssign sh.Fill.UniformColor |
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The color none does not exist. To set a fill color or outline color to none, you must instead set the fill
type or outline type to none.
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