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accelerator table

A file that contains a list of shortcut keys
The active accelerator table depends on the task that you are performing. (For example, when you highlight text, the Text Editing accelerator table becomes active; if no text is selected, the Main accelerator table is active.)


A method of smoothing the curved and diagonal edges in bitmap images
Anti-aliasing partially fills intermediate pixels along curved and diagonal edges to smooth the transition between the edge and the surrounding image. Anti-aliasing reduces or eliminates jagged edges.


See “parameter.”


A set of sequentially indexed objects of the same data type (or “array elements”)
Each array element has the same data type (although elements can have different values), and the entire array is stored contiguously in memory (with no gaps between elements). For example, you could have an array of integers or an array of characters or an array of anything that has a defined data type.
By default, array indexes are zero-based.
Arrays can have more than one dimension. A one-dimensional array is called a “vector,” while a two-dimensional array is called a “matrix.”

artistic text

A text type that is used to add single lines of text (such as titles) or to apply graphic text effects (such as fitting text to a path or creating extrusions or blends)
Compare with “paragraph text.”


The process of recording or scripting a macro


An effect that creates the illusion that the edges of an object are cut at an angle other than 90 degrees
You specify the appropriate angle value and depth value for the size of the object being cut. The illusion itself is created through the addition of objects on top of the control object (the object you extruded). These objects work together to give the object a three-dimensional look.


An image composed of grids of pixels or dots

bitmap fill

A fill created from any bitmap


A 1-bit color mode that stores images as two solid colors — black and white — with no gradations
The black-and-white color mode is useful for line art and simple graphics.


The part of the printed image that extends beyond the edge of the page
The bleed ensures that the final image goes right to the edge of the paper after binding and trimming.


A special effect that is created by blending one object with another through a progression of shapes and colors
You can choose from a variety of features for creating interesting blend effects, such as straight-line blends, blends along a path, compound blends, and copied and cloned blends.


The amount of light that is transmitted or reflected from a given pixel
In the HSB color mode, brightness is a measure of how much white a color contains. For example, a brightness value of 0 produces black, and a brightness value of 255 produces white.


Short for Conseil Europeén pour la Recherche Nucléaire, the scientific laboratory in which the World Wide Web was developed
There are two World Wide Web server systems: CERN and NCSA. Contact your server administrator to find out which system is used by your server.


An 8-bit grayscale version of an image that functions like a plate used in the commercial-printing process
Each channel represents one level of color in an image such that the entire range of colors in the image is produced when all the channels are printed together. For example, an RGB image has three channels (red, green, and blue) that create the entire range of colors in the image when printed or displayed together.


In commercial printing, a form of trapping created by extending the background object into the foreground object


The definition of each property, method, and event that applies to a type of object in the application

class module

A type of module that contains the definition of an object-oriented Visual Basic class, including the definitions of the properties and methods for that class

client-side image map

An image map that does not depend on the server to process the map information but instead on the user’s browser
Some users may not have a suitable browser to view the map.


A ready-made image that can be imported into an application (and edited, if required)


A Windows repository for temporarily storing cut or copied information
The Clipboard stores information until it is replaced by information that is subsequently cut or copied.


A copy of an object or a image area that is linked to the original item (or “parent”) and consequently inherits most changes made to the parent


A color mode made up of cyan (C), magenta (M), and yellow (Y)
The CMY color mode is used in the three-color printing process. In Corel applications, the CMY mode is the inverse of the RGB mode, with values ranging from 0 to 255. The CMY color mode is based on the CMY color model.


A color mode made up of cyan (C), magenta (M), yellow (Y), and black (K) that produces true blacks and a wide tonal range
In the CMYK color mode, color values are expressed as percentages; therefore, a value of 100 for an ink means that it is applied at full saturation.
Used in most full-color commercial printing, CMYK is similar to CMY, but the addition of black (K) allows for true blacks and a wider tonal range. The CMYK color mode is based on the CMYK color model.


A group of objects that have similar characteristics and similar actions but that are uniquely identified by index names or index numbers
Collections are always plural. For example, Documents is a collection of Document objects.


An effect that is applied to an object to alter the appearance of that object by the way that it reflects light

color cast

See “tint.”

color gamut

The range of colors that can be reproduced or perceived by any device
For example, a monitor displays a different color gamut than a printer, so it is necessary to manage colors from original images to final output.

color mode

A system that defines the number and type of colors that make up an image
Examples of color modes include black-and-white, grayscale, RGB, CMYK, and paletted.

color model

A simple color chart that defines the range of colors that is displayed in a color mode
RGB, CMY, CMYK, HSB, HLS, and LAB are examples of color models.

color palette

A collection of solid colors from which you can choose colors for fills and outlines
You can use the on-screen color palette — or the Select Color dialog box or the Color docker — to choose colors for fills, outlines, and paper. The on-screen color palette is a toolbar that displays a series of color swatches. You can display multiple on-screen color palettes, and you can dock them or leave them floating in the application window.

color profile

A description of the color-handling capabilities and characteristics of a device

color separation

In commercial printing, the process of splitting colors in a composite image to produce a number of separate grayscale images, one for each primary color in the original image
In the case of a CMYK image, four separations (one for cyan, magenta, yellow, and black) must be made.

color space

In electronic color management, a virtual representation of device or the color gamut of a color model
The boundaries and contours of the color space for a device are mapped by color-management software.

connector line

A straight line that connects two objects in a drawing
Connector lines can be set to remain attached to specified nodes or to shift to the closest nodes on the two connected objects. You can reposition a connector line only by moving the objects it is attached to.
When you use connector lines, special points on each object (called “snap points”) are activated. When a mouse passes over a snap point, it becomes visible. Objects can be linked by connector lines only at snap points, which are generally located at each node and at the center of the object.
Unlike normal connector lines that are attached to the nodes of objects, a free connector is an unbound connector line that can be unattached on a layer. A free connector line is not attached to any object.


A value in an automation-programming structure that remains fixed while the macro is being executed
Unlike a variable, which temporarily stores a changing data value in a code procedure or code function, constant values do not change.
A constant is an instance of an enumeration.


The difference in tone between the dark areas and light areas of an image
Higher contrast values indicate greater differences and fewer gradations between dark and light.

control point

A point that extends from a node along a curve that is being edited with the Shape tool
Control points determine the angle at which the curve passes through the node.


A parameter used to specify a location on a page
Coordinate values use the set document unit as their base unit of measurement. In addition, coordinate values are expressed as being relative to the center of the current page, which has the coordinates (0,0).
Most commands that use coordinates (such as the CreateSubPath command) are affected by the current reference point for the application — that is, the point on the bounding box for the selected object on which the coordinates operate. You can set the current reference point by using the ReferencePoint property.


A type of application command that comprises any script that you create by saving a recording of your operations
Corel SCRIPT application commands instruct the application to perform specific actions. For example, a command might instruct the application to open or to close a document. The application commands are easy to understand, since most are one-word equivalents of the user interface for the application.
Corel SCRIPT programming statements and functions send instructions or perform actions that are not part of another Corel application. For example, Corel SCRIPT programming statements can be used to display a customized dialog box; to include statements and constructs for flow control, such as loops; to create and manipulate variables; or to retrieve information about your computer setup. On their own, Corel SCRIPT programming statements form a powerful programming language. A script that contains only Corel SCRIPT programming statements can be executed even if another Corel application is not running.


The act of cutting unwanted areas of an image without affecting the resolution of the information that remains


An abstract style of art that stresses several aspects of the same object simultaneously, generally in the form of squares or cubes


An object that can be any shape
Curve objects have nodes and control points that you manipulate to change the shape of the object. Curve objects can be drawn by using the curve tools; however, you can use the Arrange } Convert To Curves command to create curve objects from text or from objects that are drawn by using the Rectangle, Ellipse, or Polygon tools.

cusp node

A node with control points that move independently from each other
A curve that passes through a cusp node can bend at a sharp angle.

custom color map lens

A lens that changes all the colors of objects behind it to a color range between any two colors you select
Areas of the lens that do not cover other objects are filled with the color at the end of the color map

custom palette

A color palette in which the user can save a collection of colors
When you create a custom palette, the palette is empty and ready for you to choose the colors you want to include in it. You can create a custom palette that includes all colors in a selected object or in the current document; you can also copy a color swatch to a custom palette by dragging the color swatch from any color palette.
A color palette is saved as a CPL file. There is no limit to the number of custom palettes that you can create.


A broken line segment in an outline style

destination application

In Object Linking and Embedding (OLE), the application in which you insert a linked or embedded object


A lack of proportionality in an image that results from defects in the optical system, or an effect (Push and pull, Twister, or Zipper) that can be applied to simulate such a distortion

distortion handle

One of the outward-facing, double-headed arrows located at each corner of the highlighting box


The process of simulating color by putting dots of another color very close together
The Windows operating system uses dithering to display colors that the graphics adapter cannot display.


A single-page drawing or a collection of single-page drawings that make up a multi-page document
A document page is sometimes called a “page.” You can access any page in a multi-page document by clicking a page tab in the Navigator of the drawing window. Each page in a multi-page document is accessible through the Navigator, located in the bottom-left corner of the drawing window. The Navigator allows you to move through your document quickly and shows the total number of pages in your drawing and the number of the page that is currently displayed. You can move to a page in your document by clicking that page number in the Navigator.


Short for “dots per inch,” a measure of printer resolution
Typical desktop laser printers print at 300 dpi. Image setters print at 1270 or 2540 dpi. Printers with higher dpi capabilities produce smoother and cleaner output. The term dpi is also used to measure scanning resolution and to indicate bitmap resolution.

Draft view

A view-quality setting that shows uniform fills and low-resolution bitmaps, displaying lenses and fountain fills as colors
Draft view also displays a unique pattern to represent each fill. The checkerboard pattern represents two-color fills. The two-way arrow pattern represents full-color fills. The hatched line pattern represents the bitmap fill. The PS pattern represents the PostScript fill.
View-quality settings affect how a drawing is displayed on the monitor, not the actual size of the drawing.

drawing page

The portion of the drawing window that appears on the printed page
The drawing page is enclosed by a rectangle with a shadow effect. Although you can draw anywhere in the drawing window, only objects on the drawing page appear in your print jobs.

drawing window

The area in the application window that contains a drawing
You can draw anywhere in the drawing window, but only the objects on the drawing page appear in your print jobs.

drop shadow

An effect that applies an offset dark area, in the shape of the object, around that object
When you apply a drop shadow to an object, you create a linked group that has an illusion of depth between the objects. The object to which you applied the drop shadow is the control object. Changes you make to the control object are reflected in the drop shadow. For example, if you change the size of the of the control object, the size drop shadow changes to reflect the size of the control object. However, you can separate the drop shadow (which is a bitmap) from the control object.


An 8-bit color mode that displays images using 256 shades of up to four tones
An image in the duotone color mode is simply a grayscale image that has been enhanced with one to four additional colors.


A feature for altering or adjusting the appearance of an object
Special effects let you alter the appearance of objects. You can distort objects, add new elements to objects, and change the relationship between objects by applying blends, distortions, envelopes, extrusions, perspectives, drop shadows, transparencies, lenses, contours, and PowerClip objects.
You can apply effects to both artistic text and paragraph text. However, some effects are exclusive to artistic text and others to paragraph text because the application treats the two text types differently. Effects you can apply to artistic text include blends, contours, distortions, drop shadows, envelopes, extrusions, lenses, perspectives, and PowerClip objects. Effects you can apply to paragraph-text frames include envelopes, drop shadows, and PowerClip objects.


An object that is created by using the Ellipse tool
In its simplest form, an ellipse is a variation of a circular shape object. An ellipse is a closed plane curve that is generated by a point moving in such a way that the sums of its distances from two fixed points are constant.
An ellipse is type of curve object.

Enhanced view

A view-quality setting that uses 2× over-sampling to ensure the best possible display quality
View-quality settings affect how a drawing is displayed on the monitor, not the actual size of the drawing.


Also called an “enumerated type,” a data type that lists all possible values for the variables that use it
Unlike a variable, which temporarily stores a changing data value, an enumeration stores fixed values.
A constant is an instance of an enumeration.

enumerated type

See “enumeration.”


A feature that is applied to an object to let you distort its shape
Distortion is created by dragging nodes on an imaginary box (the envelope), which in turn distorts the object.


An action that takes place in an object and that is recognized by a form or control
Each object within an object model is defined by a property, method, event, or a combination of each. An event is triggered by an action — such as a click, key press, or system timer — and you can write code that causes an object to respond to that event.

event-driven programming

A style of programming, unlike traditional procedural programming (in which the program starts at line 1 and executes line by line), that executes code in response to events
Visual Basic for Applications is an event-driven programming language. Most of the code you create is written to respond to an event.
Compare with “object-oriented programming.”

event handler

A subroutine that is programmed to cause the application to respond to a specific event


In programming, any legal combination of symbols that represents a value


An effect applied to two-dimensional objects that gives them a three-dimensional look by creating the illusion of depth
There are two types of extrusions: vector and bitmap.

Eyedropper tool

A tool lets you use the mouse to select a fill from an object on the drawing window


The level of sharpness along the edge of a drop shadow


An application that translates digital information from one form to another

fixed palette

A color palette that is provided by a third-party manufacturer
Fixed color palettes are most useful when accompanied by a color swatch book.


A type of module that is used for customized dialog boxes and user interfaces, and that includes the code to control them

fountain fill

Also called a “gradient” or “graduated fill,” a complex fill that displays a progression between two colors that follow a linear, radial, conical, or square path
You can create a direct blend from one color to another or a cascade of different colors. You can also use preset fountain fills to create neon tubes, metal cylinders, and other effects.


A mathematical way of generating an image


A procedure that performs a given task in a macro and that can be used to return a value
A function procedure begins with a Function statement and ends with an End Function statement. In VBA and VSTA, functions do not need to be declared before being used, nor before being defined.


A space between dashes in an outline style


A frequency distribution that uses bell-shaped distribution curves rather than straight lines

global value

A value that applies to a given project in its entirety

GMS file

Also called a “project file” (and short for “Global Macro Storage file”), the location to which the Macro Editor stores all modules for a project

gradient fill

See “fountain fill.”

gradient node

A square point that represents each color on the gradient arrow of a fountain fill
A gradient node is used to change the start point and end point, colors, and transparency values of the gradient.

graduated fill

See “fountain fill.”


A color mode that displays images using 256 shades of gray
Each color is defined as a value between 0 and 255, where 0 is darkest (black) and 255 is lightest (white).

grayscale image

An image that uses the grayscale color model, which can display up to 256 shades of gray ranging from white to black
Grayscale images, especially photographs, are commonly referred to as “black and white.”


A set of objects that behave as one unit, such that any operations that you perform on the group apply equally to each of its objects


A line that is placed anywhere in the drawing window and that is used to help align and position objects
Guidelines are used with the rulers and the grid to draw objects with precision. Guidelines can be horizontal, vertical, or slanted, and any number of them can be created and saved with your drawing.


An image that has been converted from a continuous tone image to a series of dots of various sizes to represent different tones


One of eight black squares that appear at the corners and sides of an object when the object is selected
By dragging individual handles, you can scale, resize, or mirror the object. If you click a selected object, the shape of the handles changes to arrows so that you can rotate and skew the object.

highlighting box

A rectangle with eight handles that encloses a selection in an image


A color model that defines three components: hue, lightness, and saturation


A color model that defines three components: hue, saturation, and brightness
Hue determines color (yellow, orange, red, etc.), while brightness determines perceived intensity (lighter or darker color), and saturation determines color depth (from dull to intense).


Short for HyperText Markup Language, the World Wide Web authoring standard comprised of markup tags that define the structure and components of a document
The HTML markup tags are used to tag text and integrate resources (such as images, sound, video, and animation) when you create a Web page.


The property of a color that allows it to be classified it by name
Hue is the name we give a color in everyday language. Hues form the color wheel. The hue of a lemon is yellow, and that of a strawberry is red.


An electronic link that provides access directly from one place in a document to another place in that document or in another document

image map

A hypergraphic in an HTML document that contains clickable areas that link to URLs on the World Wide Web


A machine that makes film or film-based paper used to make printing plates

index number

A reference to an object in a collection that contains more than one object
An index number is used to identify each object in a collection. The index number can range from 1 to the number of available objects within the collection.


A measure of the brightness of the light pixels in a bitmap image compared with the darker mid-tones and dark pixels
An increase in intensity increases the vividness of whites while maintaining true darks.

interlaced video image

A video image that takes two passes to fill a screen, painting every other line in each pass, such that it may produce a flicker


A method that lets you display an image on screen at a low, blocky resolution
As the image data loads, the image quality improves.


Short for Join Photographic Experts Group, a format for compressed photographic images that offers compression with minimal loss of image quality
Because of their compression (20 to 1) and small file size, JPEG images are widely used in Internet publishing.

LAB (CIE L*a*b)

A color model that contains a luminance (or lightness) component (“L”) and two chromatic components: “a” (green to red) and “b” (blue to yellow)
In 1931, the Commission Internationale de l’Eclairage (CIE) defined the device-independent LAB color model, based on how the human eye perceives color. The CIE LAB model incorporates the theory that a color cannot be both green and red, nor both blue and yellow, at the same time. As such, single values are used to describe the green/red and blue/yellow components of any color. LAB provides a system for defining color that bases color values on widely accepted standards rather than on individual color-producing devices.
The luminance value (L) ranges from 0 to 100 , while the two chromaticity values (a and b) range from +120 to -120.


One of a series of transparent planes on which you can place objects in a document

You can control how objects in your document overlay one another by moving the layer and the objects they contain. You can also lock layers and make them invisible and nonprintable. Use layers to help you organize different components of a complex document.

When activated, a layer is ready to receive any new objects you draw, import, or paste onto it.


An effect that changes the way that you perceive objects behind the lens, not the actual properties and actual attributes of those objects

You can apply a lens to almost any closed shape that has been created by using the drawing tools. You can choose amongst several types of lenses, each producing distinctive results. These results range from color alteration (for example, as produced by heat-map, inverting, and brightening lenses) to distortion (for example, as produced by magnifying and fish-eye lenses).


The perceived intesity (lightness or darkness) of a color


When referring to blends, the act of rotating a blend halfway between the centers of rotation for the start object and end object


A recorded or scripted set of tasks that can be repeatedly invoked within an application
A macro is a symbol, name, or key that represents a list of commands.

master layer

A layer that contains information that you want to appear on every page of a multi-page document
For example, you can use a master layer to place a header or footer on every page.

master object

An object that has been copied by using the Clone command
Most changes you make to the master object are automatically applied to the clone.

master page

A page that contains information that you want to appear on every page of a multi-page document


An operation that an object can have performed on itself

mixed node

A node with control points that are a combination of cusp nodes, smooth nodes, and symmetrical nodes

modal dialog box

A dialog box thatlocks the application and must be acted upon (that is, either submitted or cancelled) before the macro can be resumed
Most built-in dialog boxes that can be controlled by automation coding are modal.

modeless dialog box

A dialog box that does not lock the application and can be left open while the user continues working in the application
Modeless dialog boxes behave like dockers.


A container that is used by a GMS file for storing project components
Generic modules are used for general code and for macros. Other types of modules include forms and class modules.


Decorative artwork that is made by arranging small pieces of variously colored material to form pictures or patterns


Short for National Center for Supercomputing Applications, one of two World Wide Web servers.
If you are creating an image map, you need to know whether the server you are using runs CERN or NCSA because different codes are required for each. Contact your server administrator to learn whether you are using CERN or NCSA.


A square point at the end of a line segment or curve segment
You can change the shape of a line or curve by dragging one or more of its nodes.
There are four types of nodes: cusp, smooth, symmetrical, and mixed.

Normal view

A view-quality setting that shows all fills, all objects, and high-resolution bitmaps
View-quality settings affect how a drawing is displayed on the monitor, not the actual size of the drawing.


Short for National Television Standards Committee, a video color filter that is commonly used to define the gamut of colors that is supported by television monitors in North America


The act of moving an object in increments
See also “super nudge.”


When referring to an object model, an instance of a class
When referring to a drawing, a generic term for any item — such as a line, a shape, a graphic, or text — that you create or place in that drawing

object model

A high-level structure of the relationship between the parent objects and child objects in an application
For example, the Application object represents the beginning of the object hierarchy. From the Application object, you can “drill down” and navigate through the object model until you find the desired object. To reference an object with Visual Basic code, you separate each level of the object hierarchy with the dot operator ( . ).

object-oriented programming

A style of programming that places emphasis on creating and using objects
Compare with “event-driven programming.”


A movement out of line with another object
An offset object is distanced from another specified object, and this distance is the offset value.


The inability to see through an object
If an object is 100% opaque, you cannot see through it. Opacity levels under 100% increase the ability to see through objects.
Compare with“transparency.”


Also called a “document page”
See “document.”


A video color filter that is commonly used to define the gamut of colors that is supported by television monitors in Europe and Asia


See “color palette.”


An 8-bit color mode that displays images using up to 256 colors
You can convert a complex image to the paletted color mode to reduce file size and to control the colors used throughout the conversion process more precisely.

PANTONE process colors

The colors that are available through the PANTONE process color system, which is based on the CMYK color model

paragraph text

A text type that is used to add large blocks of content for text-intensive projects (such as ads or brochures)
Paragraph text is contained in a paragraph-text frame.
Compare with “artistic text.”

paragraph-text frame

A rectangle that contains a block of paragraph text
A text frame can exist alone or be linked to other text frames. When you link paragraph-text frames, the text flow is directed from one frame to the other if the amount of text exceeds the original frame. When you shrink a frame, enlarge a frame, or change text size, the amount of text in the next frame adjusts automatically.


Synonymous with “argument,” a value that is passed to a routine and that defines a characteristic of an object in the Visual Basic programming environment
Parameters are attributes that appear after a recorded command in the Recorder docker. For example, dialog-box options are not recorded as separate commands in the Recorder docker; they are recorded as attributes of the command that initially invoked the dialog box.

passing by reference

The act of passing an argument to a function or subroutine by using a reference to the original
By default, function parameters and subroutine parameters are passed by reference. To explicity indicate that you want to pass an argument by reference, prefix the argument with ByRef.

passing by value

The act of passing an argument to a function or subroutine by using a copy of the original
To explicity indicate that you want to pass an argument by value, prefix the argument with ByVal.


The basic component from which objects are constructed
Paths can be open (as in a line or curve) or closed (as in a circle or polygon). Paths can also constitute a single line segment or curve segment or many joined segments.


An effect that creates the illusion of distance and depth, achieved by lengthening or shortening sides of an object
Although objects are two-dimensional, applying one and two-point perspective adds another dimension to your drawing. By creating one-point perspective, you can make an object look like it is receding from view in one direction. By creating two-point perspective, on the other hand, you can make the object look like it is receding from view in two directions.

perspective handle

One of the hollow circles in the corners of the highlighting box

Pick tool

A tool that lets you select and transform objects


A colored dot that is the smallest part of a bitmap
See also “resolution.”


A unit of measurement used primarily in typesetting to design type sizes
There are approximately 72 points (pts) to an inch and 12 points to a pica.


A feature that lets you place objects (called “contents objects”) inside other objects (called “container objects”)
If the contents object is larger than the container object, the contents object is automatically cropped. Only the contents that fit inside the container object are visible.
You can create a container from any object you create using the application, including shapes, lines, curves, artistic text, and groups. A contents object can be any object you create in the application or import from another program.

pressure-sensitive pen

A pen that you can use to access commands and draw shapes
You must install the pressure-sensitive pen, along with a pressure-sensitive tablet and its corresponding Windows drivers, to use it.

process color

In commercial printing, a color that is produced from a blend of cyan, magenta, yellow, and black
A process color is different from a spot color.

project file

See “GMS file.”


A characteristic of a class
Properties can be returned or set. In addition, properties can be designated as read-only (to indicate that they are fixed by the design of the class).


A series of similar objects

range sensitivity

A paletted color mode option that lets you specify a focus color for the paletted conversion
You can adjust the color and specify its importance to guide conversion.

raster graphic

An image that has been rendered into pixels
When you convert vector graphic files to bitmap files, you create rasterized images.


A series of commands that you record in the Recorder docker
Recordings let you automate a series of actions to repeat on the same image or on several different images. Recordings are not saved when you end your session.


The act of capturing a two-dimensional image from a three-dimensional model


The act of changing the resolution or size of an image to change the number of pixels that it contains
Upsampling increases the resolution and increases the number of pixels, while downsampling reduces the resolution and decreases the number of pixels.


The amount of detail and information that an image file contains, as well as the level of detail that an input, output, or display device is capable of producing
When you work with bitmaps, resolution affects both the quality of the final output and the file size.


A color mode in which the three colors of light (red, green, and blue) are combined in varying intensities to produce all other colors
A value between 0 and 255 is assigned to each channel of red, green and blue. Monitors, scanners, and the human eye use RGB to produce or detect color.
Higher RGB values correspond to the presence of greater quantities of white light. Consequently, higher RGB values result in lighter colors. When all 3 components are at the maximum value, the resulting color is white light. Because the RGB model creates colors by adding light, it is considered an additive color model. Monitors and scanners can employ the additive color model because they emit particles of red light, green light, and blue light to create the illusion of millions of different colors.
One of the limitations of the RGB model is that it is device-dependent. This means that not only are there color variations between monitors and scanners by different manufacturers, but there are color variations between identical devices from the same manufacturer. Over time, all monitors “drift” and display colors differently, so it is imperative to regularly calibrate monitors and the other electronic devices. The RGB model cannot be a color standard because its color results are not 100% repeatable.

rotation handle

One of the curved, double arrows in the corners of the highlighting box


The purity or vividness of a color, expressed as the absence of white
A color that has 100% saturation contains no white. A color with 0% saturation is a shade of gray.


A device that converts images on paper, transparency, or film to digital form
Scanners produce bitmaps or raster graphics.


The visibility of a data type, procedure, or object


A recording that has been saved to disk and that can be retrieved at any time
Scripts let you automate a series of actions to repeat on the same image or on several different images. Both a recording and a script are created, edited, and played back by using the controls and commands in the Recorder docker.


A line or curve between nodes in a curve object
There are two types of segments: straight and curved. If you click on a node with the Shape tool, the status bar displays the type of segment entering the node and the node type itself.


An object that can be displayed as several variations of a rectangle or ellipse

shortcut object

A syntactic replacement for the longhand version of an object

Simple Wireframe view

A view-quality setting that shows objects as outlines; hides fills, extrusions, contours, and intermediate blend shapes; and shows monochrome bitmaps
Editing a drawing in Simple Wireframe view is faster because only the object outlines must be refreshed.
View-quality settings affect how a drawing is displayed on the monitor, not the actual size of the drawing.

skewing handle

One of the straight, double-headed arrows located in the center of each side of the highlighting box

smooth node

A node with control points that are always opposite each other (such that when one point moves, the other point also moves) and that can have different lengths
The control points for a smooth node produce a smooth transition between segments.

snap point

A coordinate point generally located at each node in an object and at the center of that object
Two snap points can be connected by using a connector line.
Snap points can also be free — that is, they can stand alone as a single point without being part of another object.
A snap point is defined by its x and y positions, which are established by the rulers and the document unit of measurement.

source application

In Object Linking and Embedding (OLE), the application used to create the source file

source file

In Object Linking and Embedding (OLE), the file that contains the object that you want to link or embed in a Corel application

special effect

See “effect.”

spot color

In commercial printing, a solid ink color that prints individually, one plate per spot color


A type of trap that is created by extending the foreground object into the background object

stacking order

The sequence in which objects are created in the document window
The stacking order determines the relationship between objects and, therefore, the appearance of your document. The first object you create appears on the bottom; the last object appears on the top.


A data type consisting of a sequence of contiguous characters that represent the characters themselves rather than their numeric values
A string can include letters, numbers, spaces, and punctuation. The String data type can store fixed-length strings ranging in length from 0 to approximately 63K characters and dynamic strings ranging in length from 0 to approximately 2 billion characters. The dollar sign ( $ ) type-declaration character represents a string in Visual Basic.


A pressure-sensitive pen device that is used in conjunction with a tablet to let you to draw paint strokes by using hand pressure


See “subroutine.”


A curve or shape within a single curve object


Sometimes called a “sub,” a procedure that performs a given task in a macro but cannot be used to return a value
A subroutine procedure begins with a Sub statement and ends with an End Sub statement. In VBA and VSTA, subroutines do not need to be declared before being used, nor before being defined.

subtractive color model

A color model, such as CMYK, that creates color by subtracting wavelengths of light reflected from an object
For example, a colored ink appears blue if it absorbs all colors except blue.

super nudging

The act of moving an object in large increments
The super nudge value is multiplied by the nudge value to obtain the distance by which the object is moved.

swap disk

Hard-drive space that is used by applications to store temporary files not in use, thereby artificially increasing the amount of memory available to the computer


One of a series of solid-colored patches used as a sample when selecting a color, such as from the Color palette
A printed booklet of swatches is called a “swatch book”.

swatch book

A collection of color samples that shows what each color looks like when printed

symmetrical node

A node with control points that are always opposite each other but (unlike for smooth nodes) are always the same length
The control points for a symmetrical node produce the same curvature on both sides of the node.

text style

A variation in a typeface or font
Some common text styles include Roman (regular or normal), bold, italic, and bold italic.


When referring to bitmaps, a level of tolerance for tonal variation
For example, when you convert an image to the black-and-white color mode, the bitmap threshold determines how many tonal values are converted to black and how many to white.


A miniature, low-resolution version of an image or illustration


Also called a “color cast,” a semitransparent color applied over an image


The ability to see through an item
The opposite of transparency is opacity. Setting lower levels of transparency causes higher levels of opacity and less visibility of the underlying items or image.


The act of creating new, irregularly shaped objects by removing the areas that overlap other selected objects
Before you trim objects, you must decide which object you want to trim (the target object) and which object(s) you want to use to trim it. The objects you use to trim must overlap — or be overlapped by — the target object.

true color

Digital RGB color that is composed of 24-bits or 16.7 million colors


An interface that allows Corel graphics applications to acquire an image from imaging hardware such as a scanner or a digital camera, without using any additional applications
By using the TWAIN driver supplied by the manufacturer of the imaging hardware, Corel graphics applications can acquire images directly from a scanner or a digital camera.


Short for Uniform Resource Locator, a unique address that defines where a Web page is located on the Internet

vanishing point

A marker that appears when you select an extrusion or an object to which perspective has been added
With an extrusion, the vanishing point marker indicates the depth (parallel extrusion) or the point at which the extruded surfaces would meet if extended (perspective extrusion). With the Perspective effect, the marker indicates the point (or points) at which the nonparallel lines would meet.


An item that can be created (or “declared”) for the purposes of storing data
The built-in data types are Boolean, Double, Integer, Long, Single, String, Variant, and several other less-used types including Date, Decimal, and Object. If a variable is not declared before being used, the compiler interprets it as a Variant.


The data type for all variables that are not declared as another type, such as Dim, Private, Public, or Static
The Variant data type has no type-declaration character.


A built-in programming language that can automate repetitive functions and create intelligent solutions in a software application
VBA is a subset of the Microsoft Visual Basic (VB) object-driven programming environment, but it is considered “for applications” because it is most often integrated into another application to customize the functionality of that application.

vector graphic

An image that is generated from mathematical descriptions that determine the position, length, and direction in which its lines are drawn
Vector graphics are created as collections of lines rather than as patterns of individual dots (or “pixels”).


A customized way of looking at a drawing in the application
You can customize your views to suit your viewing needs. These views can be saved, deleted, edited, and renamed according to your viewing preferences.
Several preset view-quality settings are provided: Simple Wireframe, Wireframe, Draft, Normal, and Enhanced.


A mark representing the center point of what is being viewed through a lens
A viewpoint is marked by an “X” in the drawing window.

Visual Basic for Applications

See “VBA.”

Visual Studio Tools for Applications

See “VSTA.”


The successor to VBA
VSTA is based on Microsoft Visual Studio 2008. The integrated development environment (IDE) for VSTA can be used to support two additional programming languages (Visual Basic .NET and C#) and to take advantage of the .NET framework natively.


The act of creating a single curve object out of two or more objects
If the objects overlap, the result is a single object with one outline. If the objects do not overlap, they form a weld group in which the objects appear separate but are actually treated as one object.


See “drawing window.”

Wireframe view

A view-quality setting that display object in skeleton form, without fills or outlines
Because the screen redraws faster in this view, you may want to use it when you edit complex drawings.
View-quality settings affect how a drawing is displayed on the monitor, not the actual size of the drawing.


An enclosed work environment that is ideally suited to meet specific needs when creating a drawing in the application
You can create multiple workspaces for specific users or specific tasks. You can also delete workspaces when they are no longer needed.


A color model used in television broadcast systems (NTSC video standard)
Colors are split into a luminance value (Y) and two chromaticity values (I and Q). In monitor calibration, chromaticity refers to the chroma (hue adjustment) of your monitor. On a color monitor, all three components are visible. On a monochrome monitor, only the Y component is visible. All values are scaled from 0 to 255.

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