很早是从github搜索到,用来批量替换logo时比较好用,最近在拼版工作中比较好用,所以复制一份改名 A 拼版替换对齐
脚本在处理很多物件的时候会报错BUG,哪天有空 精简一下,看看能否提高效率。

Adobe Illustrator 拼版替换对齐.jsx

//Copy to Object(s) v7 -- CS,CS2,CS3
// Hacked again by Nathaniel Vaughn KELSO
// Last modified: 2008.March.30
// Created: 2007.July.7
// at Hyattsville, MD
// Version 2
// (c) [email protected] (but remove the 2008 bit)
// "Multiple-object-replacement" hack by Iain Henderson
// [email protected]
// User selects two (or more) objects:
// This script copies the top most object to the position and size of
// all other selected objects.
//Version 2 update: now adjusts stroke based on difference in area.
//Version 3 update: now accepts multiple targets (Thanks Iain)
//Version 4 update: Deselects everything but source object
//  --this makes it easy to delete the source object if you wish,
//  -- also this makes the older "Replace-Object" script obsolete.
//Version 5 update: option to NOT transform to fit original shape
//  -- with additional option flag to register the replacing shape to
//     the being-replaced shape's center instead of upper-left corner
//TODO: add flag to delete "master" replacing symbol on completion
// JS code (c) copyright: John Wundes ( [email protected] )
//copyright full text here:

    //initialize vars
    // Toggles for scaling object, fitting to original, offset to center
    //toggle for scaling stroke: set to true to scale stroke.
    var scaledStroke = false;                            // when fitting original dimensions, scale the stroke
    var scaledObject = false;                            // fit to original dimensions
    var scaleMethod = "scaleToFit";                    // if true, do NOT scale to fit original bounds but favor the smallest percentage of X or Y scaling for both X and Y
    var scalingCentered = true;                            // register with center of being-replaced object
    var groupFindAndReplaceResults = false;        // often not desired
    var keepReplacedSelected = true;                // the result
    var keepReplaceWithObjSelected = true;        // the model object that everything is replaced with
    var deleteReplaceWithObj = true;                // the model object that everything is replaced with

var selObjs = "Please select at least two objects on the page.";
var docRef = activeDocument;
if (documents.length>0) {
    if (docRef.selection.length > 1) {
        mySelection = docRef.selection;
        var sourceObj = docRef.selection[0];
        //if object is a (collection of) object(s) not a text field.
        if (mySelection instanceof Array) {
            //create stroke Array
            var strokeArray = new Array();
            //create bounding objects
            var origBounds = mySelection[0].geometricBounds;

            //define paramaters of top object
            var oul_x = origBounds[0];
            var oul_y = origBounds[1];
            var olr_x = origBounds[2];
            var olr_y = origBounds[3];
            var oSelWidth = (olr_x-oul_x);
            var oSelHeight = (oul_y-olr_y);
            var oSelPos = [oul_x, oul_y];
            // *********************************************************
            var initBounds;
            var ul_x;
            var ul_y;
            var lr_x;
            var lr_y;
            var mySelWidth;
            var mySelHeight;
            var mySelPos;

            var alterObjectArray = new Array();

            for (var i=0; i < mySelection.length; i++) {
                eval('subArray' + i + '=' + 'new Array()');
                eval('subArray' + i + '["object"]' +  '=' + mySelection[i]);
                initBounds = mySelection[i].geometricBounds;
                ul_x = initBounds[0];
                ul_y = initBounds[1];
                lr_x = initBounds[2];
                lr_y = initBounds[3];
                mySelWidth = (lr_x-ul_x);
                mySelHeight = (ul_y-lr_y);
                mySelPos = [ul_x, ul_y];
                mySelOffsetXpos = (ul_x + mySelWidth / 2 - oSelWidth / 2);
                mySelOffsetYpos = (ul_y - mySelHeight / 2 + oSelHeight / 2);
                eval('subArray' + i + '["width"]=' + mySelWidth);
                eval('subArray' + i + '["xpos"]=' + ul_x);
                eval('subArray' + i + '["ypos"]=' + ul_y);
                eval('subArray' + i + '["height"]=' + mySelHeight);
                eval('subArray' + i + '["offsetXpos"]=' + mySelOffsetXpos);
                eval('subArray' + i + '["offsetYpos"]=' + mySelOffsetYpos);

                eval('alterObjectArray.push(subArray' + i + ')');

            for (var i=1; i < alterObjectArray.length; i++) {
                //find proportional Difference
                //average height and width to find new stroke
                if (scaledStroke == true ) {
                    var wdiff = mySelWidth/oSelWidth;
                    var whght = mySelHeight/oSelHeight;
                    var propDiff = (wdiff+whght)/2;
                } else {
                    var propDiff = 1;
                //mark stroked Items
                //apply transforms
                var newGroup = mySelection[i].parent.groupItems.add();
                //modify move behavior for changes in JS for CS...
                if (version == "10.0") {
                    tempItem = mySelection[0].duplicate( mySelection[i], ElementPlacement.PLACEBEFORE);
                } else {
                    newGroup.move(mySelection[i], ElementPlacement.PLACEBEFORE);
                    mySelection[0].duplicate(newGroup, ElementPlacement.PLACEATEND);

                // Check to see if the replacing object should be scaled down/up to fit the dimensions of the being-replaced object
                if ( scaledObject == true) {
                    eval('newGroup.position = [alterObjectArray['+i+']["xpos"], alterObjectArray['+i+']["ypos"]]');
                    //eval('newGroup.position = [alterObjectArray['+i+']["offsetXpos"], alterObjectArray['+i+']["offsetYpos"]]');
                    newGroupWidth = newGroup.width;
                    newGroupHeight = newGroup.height;

                    tempObjCenterX = newGroup.position[0] + newGroup.width / 2;
                    tempObjCenterY = newGroup.position[1] - newGroup.height /2;

                    replacingWidth  = eval('newGroup.width  = alterObjectArray[' + i +']["width"]');
                    replacingHeight = eval('newGroup.height = alterObjectArray['+ i +']["height"]');

                    switch( scaleMethod) {
                        case "proportionalX":
                            if( newGroupWidth >= newGroupHeight ) {
                                eval('newGroup.height = alterObjectArray['+ i +']["width"]');
                                eval('newGroup.width   = alterObjectArray['+ i +']["width"]');
                                // now offset X as needed
                                if( newGroup.height >= mySelection[0].height ) {
                           = + replacingHeight / 2;
                                } else {
                           = - replacingHeight / 2;
                            } else {
                                eval('newGroup.height = alterObjectArray['+ i +']["height"]');
                                eval('newGroup.width   = alterObjectArray['+ i +']["height"]');
                                // now offset X as needed
                                newGroup.left = newGroup.left  + replacingWidth / 2;
                        case "proportionalY":
                            if( newGroupWidth >= newGroupHeight ) {
                                eval('newGroup.height = alterObjectArray['+ i +']["height"]');
                                eval('newGroup.width   = alterObjectArray['+ i +']["height"]');
                                // now offset X as needed
                                if( newGroup.width >= mySelection[0].width ) {
                                    newGroup.left = newGroup.left  - replacingWidth / 2;
                                } else {
                                    newGroup.left = newGroup.left + replacingWidth / 2;
                            } else {
                                eval('newGroup.height = alterObjectArray['+ i +']["width"]');
                                eval('newGroup.width   = alterObjectArray['+ i +']["width"]');
                                // now offset X as needed
                       =  + replacingHeight / 2;
                        case "proportionalXY":
                            xy_Average = ( eval('alterObjectArray['+ i +']["height"]') + eval('alterObjectArray[' + i +']["width"]') ) /2;
                            newGroup.height = xy_Average;
                            newGroup.width = xy_Average;
                            if( newGroup.width >= mySelection[0].width ) {
                                newGroup.left = (newGroup.left  + newGroup.width  / 2 - replacingWidth / 2);
                            } else {
                                newGroup.left = (newGroup.left  + newGroup.height / 2 - replacingHeight / 2);
                            if( newGroup.height >= mySelection[0].height ) {
                       = ( + newGroup.height / 2 - replacingHeight / 2);
                            } else  {
                       = ( + newGroup.height / 2 + replacingHeight / 2);
                        case "scaleToFit":
                            eval('newGroup.height = alterObjectArray['+ i +']["height"]');
                            eval('newGroup.width = alterObjectArray[' + i +']["width"]');
                    tempGroupWidth  = newGroup.width;
                    tempGroupHeight = newGroup.height;

                    // now offset Y as needed
                    // = + newGroupHeight / 2 - tempGroupHeight / 2;
                } else {
                    // Check to see if the replacing object should be registered to the upper left corer of
                    // the being-replaced objects or if it should be centered on the being-replaced object
                    if( scalingCentered == true ) {
                        eval('newGroup.position = [alterObjectArray['+i+']["offsetXpos"], alterObjectArray['+i+']["offsetYpos"]]');
                    } else {
                        eval('newGroup.position = [alterObjectArray['+i+']["xpos"], alterObjectArray['+i+']["ypos"]]');

                //restroke with new proportions
                scaleStroke(strokeArray, propDiff);

                howManyGroupItems = newGroup.pageItems.length - 1;

                if( groupFindAndReplaceResults ) {
                    // they are already grouped
                    if( keepReplacedSelected ) {
                        theMovedObject.selected = true;
                    } else {
                        theMovedObject.selected = false;
                } else {
                    // but was the original a group?
                    if( mySelection[0].typename == "GroupItem" ) {
                        // do nothing
                        if( keepReplacedSelected ) {
                            newGroup.selected = true;
                        } else {
                            newGroup.selected = false;
                    } else {
                        for( g=0; g<=howManyGroupItems; g++ ) {
                            theMovedObject = newGroup.pageItems[g].duplicate( newGroup, ElementPlacement.PLACEBEFORE );
                            if( keepReplacedSelected ) {
                                theMovedObject.selected = true;
                            } else {
                                theMovedObject.selected = false;
                        // now that the group is empty of items, delete the group
            // Do we want to have the "replacing" object SELECTED after the result is processed and displayed (and may be selected)?
            if( keepReplaceWithObjSelected ) {
                sourceObj.selected = true;
            } else {
                sourceObj.selected = false;
            // Do we want to have the "replacing" object DELETED after the result is processed and displayed (and may be selected)?
            if( deleteReplaceWithObj ) {
        } else {
    } else {
//Create the stroke Object that goes into the stroke Array.
//   contains the items colorObject, and it's initial stroke weight.
function strokeObj(pName, strokeWt) {
    this.pName = pName;
    this.strokeWt = strokeWt;
function markStroked(Sel) {
    var slen = Sel.length;
    // if selected is a single object...
    if (Sel.typename == "GroupItem") {
    } else if (Sel.typename == "CompoundPathItem") {
        //add object and stroke weight to the array...
        myColor = Sel.pathItems[0];
        myWt = myColor.strokeWidth;
        bob = new strokeObj(myColor, myWt);
    } else if (Sel.typename == "TextFrame") {
        if (Sel.textRange.characterAttributes.strokeColor.typename != "NoColor") {
            var clMax = Sel.textRange.characters.length;
            for (var cl=0; cl<clMax; cl++) {
                myColor = Sel.textRange.characters[0].characterAttributes;
                myWt = myColor.strokeWeight;
                bob = new strokeObj(myColor, myWt);
    // if selected contains more than one object...
    for (var a=0; a<slen; a++) {
        if (Sel[a].typename == "GroupItem") {
            //alert("a group in markStroke");
        } else if (Sel[a].typename == "CompoundPathItem") {
            myColor = Sel[a].pathItems[0];
            myWt = myColor.strokeWidth;
            bob = new strokeObj(myColor, myWt);
        } else if (Sel[a].typename == "PathItem") {
            if (Sel[a].stroked == true) {
                myColor = Sel[a];
                myWt = myColor.strokeWidth;
                bob = new strokeObj(myColor, myWt);
        } else if (Sel[a].typename == "TextFrame") {
            if (Sel[a].textRange.characterAttributes.strokeColor.typename != "NoColor") {
                var clMax = Sel[a].textRange.characters.length;
                for (var cl=0; cl<clMax; cl++) {
                    myColor = Sel[a].textRange.characters[cl].characterAttributes;
                    myWt = myColor.strokeWeight;
                    bob = new strokeObj(myColor, myWt);
function scaleStroke(mySlx, strokeScale) {
    var slen = mySlx.length;
    for (var a=0; a<slen; a++) {
        //set it's strokeweight or strokewidth, whatever... :)
        mySlx[a].pName.strokeWidth = mySlx[a].strokeWt*strokeScale;
        mySlx[a].pName.strokeWeight = mySlx[a].strokeWt*strokeScale;



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