
  • 打开VSCode,并使用快捷键 Ctrl + Shift + P打开命令面板。

  • 在命令面板中,输入 snippets 并选择 Preferences: Configure User Snippets(首次使用时,你可能需要选择语言,例如“Preferences: Configure User Snippets for JavaScript”)。

  • 这将打开一个以所选语言命名的代码片段文件。如果你想为多个语言创建代码片段,请选择 New Global Snippets File(全局代码片段文件)。

  • 在代码片段文件中,你将看到一个空的JSON对象。这是用于定义代码片段的地方。

参考图片动画,复制粘贴 cpp.json 示例模版数据

// C:\Users\vip\AppData\Roaming\Code\User\snippets
// $1, $2 for tab stops, $0 for the final cursor position, and ${1:label}, ${2:another} for placeholders. 

"regex模版": { "prefix": "regex",
    "body": [
    "#include <bits/stdc++.h>\nusing namespace std;\nint main() {\n  string s(\"A1234B5678C999 A1234B5678C999\");"
    "\tsmatch m;  regex e(\"\\\\\\d+\");\n\n  while (regex_search(s, m, e)) {\n    cout << m.str() << endl;"
    "\t\ts = m.suffix().str();\n  }\n}"
    ],  "description": "regex模版" },

"fopen示例模版": { "prefix": "fopen",
    "body": [
    "#include <stdio.h>\nint main() {\n  FILE *pFile;\n  pFile = fopen(\"myfile.txt\", \"w\");\n  if (pFile != NULL) {",
    "    $1fputs(\"fopen example\", pFile);\n    fclose(pFile);\n  }\n  return 0;\n}"
    ],  "description": "fopen示例模版" },

"printf模版": { "prefix": "prf",
    "body": [
    "printf(\"%d\", $1);"
    ],  "description": "printf模版" },

"C语言模版": {    "prefix": "cc",
    "body": [
    "#include <stdio.h>\n#include <stdlib.h>\n",
    "int main()",
    "\t$1printf(\"Hello world!\");",
    "\treturn 0;",
    ],  "description": "C语言模版" },

"CPP语言模版": { "prefix": "cpp",
    "body": [
    "#include <iostream>\n#include <string>\n#include <algorithm>\n",
    "using namespace std;",
    "int main(int argc, char* argv[])",
    "\t$1cout << \"Hello world!\" << endl;",
    "\treturn 0;",
    "}"   ],  "description": "CPP语言模版" }

使用 snippets 缩写词代码片段自动插入代码模版

  • 输入 cpp 后然后按下回车键,就能插入 cpp代码模版
  • 输入 cc 能插入 C语言代码模版
  • 输入 regex 能插入 regex代码模版
分类: 学习编程

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